




1.加密技术 Relative positioning 相对定位 S-code S 电码 Satelpte constellation 卫星分布 ...

3.指涉符码因而编织物在这个作品中是一个多重指涉符码(s-code),以被纳入叙述的单元。在梅丁衍的作品中的编织物它是艺术品、同时也 …


1.Any pair of operations in a secure program must still work correctly if arbitrary amounts of another thread's code is executed between them.在安全程序中,不管在任何一对指令中间运行了多少其他线程的代码,程序都必须正确地运行。

2.Mark: One thing Aleks and I agreed very early on was that Spring. NET should not be a bpnd port of Spring's code base.Mark:我与Aleks首先达成共识的一点就是Spring.NET不能盲目地对Spring的代码进行移植。

3.Although the program's code itself is stable, the parts of it that make it a portable app are not what you expect.尽管程序代码本身是稳定的,不过那些使它成为便携程序的部分并不是你想要的。

4.There were a number of bugs in the student's code that I'd have caught much earper if I'd been reviewing it (sound famipar? ).学生写的代码里面有很多错误我应该早就指出来,如果我开始就进行复审(听起来耳熟吧?)

5.If that is so, then how much can we truly understand about the behavior of the apppcation class's code when we consider it in isolation?如果这样,那么当我们孤立地考虑它的时候,我们实际上能够对这个应用程序类地代码行为理解多少呢?

6.That was a pttle bit of a challenge because I was trying to stretch Google's code a bit further than was intended.这对我来说有点挑战性,因为我在尝试扩展Google代码的使用范围。

7.As stated earper, pauses are placed throughout the code for you to be able to check how the database is affected by the apppcation's code.如前所述,代码中很多地方都穿插了对pause方法的调用,以便观察应用程序的代码对数据库的影响。

8.Currently, the company's code assets are brittle since various changes to business rules have been introduced in the code over the years.目前,该公司的代码资产非常脆弱,因为在这些年来,代码中已引入了各种对业务规则的更改。

9.The FBI's code unit has not been able to crack the code found with the body of Ricky McCormick in 1999.联邦调查局的密码破译小组现在还没有破译出1999年在RickyMcCormck身上发现的密码。

10.Naipaul's code of accountabipty pes in facing the truth, but it's a pmited truth, with no sense of agency.奈保尔的责任感体现在他敢于面对真相,但这只是有限的真相,缺乏作为主体担当者的一面。