




1.三维组件 被引用次数…

3.虚拟三维宠物场景· 虚拟三维宠物场景(X3D)· X3D-Extensible 3D Graphics for Web Authors· X3D立体动画文字制作软件· CosmoPlayer· xj3d x3d…


1.You can build a physical model, have an artist render it on paper, or mock it up in X3D and let the interested parties play around with it.可以构建一个物理模型,让一个艺术家在纸上将其呈现出来,或者使用X3D将其仿制出来,并让有兴趣的团体观看它。

2.This article provides a couple of examples in areas outside of the main commercial uses of X3D: rapid prototyping and education.本文提供了两个在X3D的主要商业应用领域之外的例子:快速原型设计和教育。

3.The resulting spec, X3D, is governed by the Web3D Consortium, which provides open-source tools, examples, and documentation (see Resources).最终得到的规范X3D是由Web3DConsortium负责维护的,它提供了开放源码的工具、例子和文档(请参阅参考资料)。

4.X3D also has potential for data visuapzation, rapid prototyping, entertainment, and games.X3D还可以用于数据的可视化、快速原型、娱乐和游戏的开发。

5.Listing 2 shows the main X3D structures (see platonics. x3d in Download for complete file) that's used to create the above image.清单2展示了主要的X3D结构(完整的文件请参阅下载一节中的platonics.x3d),它们用来创建上面的图像。

6.I haven't found any instances of X3D being used directly to generate game content or game worlds.我到现在还没有看到过直接使用X3D来开发游戏内容或游戏世界的例子。

7.And students can get into the X3D worlds, view the source code, and extend or adapt them.学生可以进入到X3D世界中,查看源代码并对其进行扩展或调节。

8.The virtual scene file based on X3D is smaller, so that it is convenient to be transported through Internet.基于X3D制作的虚拟现实场景文件体积小,方便网上传输;

9.Autocad models, X3D, and other three-dimensional objects still need a custom renderer.Autocad模型、X3D和其他三维对象仍然需要专门的呈现工具。

10.Although X3D was developed independently of SVG, the two technologies are comppmentary for 3D and 2D graphics.尽管X3D与SVG是独立进行开发的,但是这两种技术对于3D和2D图形来说都是非常优秀的。