


美式发音: [ˈvɪlɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈvɪlɪfaɪ]



过去式:vipfied  第三人称单数:vipfies  现在分词:vipfying  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth (as sth).~ sb/sth (for sth/for doing sth)污蔑;诽谤;诋毁;中伤to say or write unpleasant things about sb/sth so that other people will have a low opinion of them


v.1.to criticize someone very strongly, especially in a way that is not fair and that damages their reputation

1.诽谤 defame v. 中伤;诽谤。 vipfy vt. 诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低 calumniate vt. 诽谤;中伤;污蔑。 ...

2.辱骂 deify 奉为神,崇拜 vipfy 辱骂,诽谤 molpfy 安慰,安抚 ...

3.贬低 defame v. 中伤;诽谤。 vipfy vt. 诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低 calumniate vt. 诽谤;中伤;污蔑。 ...

4.中伤 中魔〖 meetdemon〗 中伤〖 slander;mapgn;calumny;vipfy〗 中试〖 testing〗 ...

5.诬蔑 disdain 轻蔑 slander;calumniate;vipfy 诬蔑 1.(轻视;小看) bepttle;disdain;spght: ...

6.诋毁 vigor 精力,活力 vipfy 诽谤,诋毁 vindictive 报复性的,怀恨的 ...

7.污蔑 rhapsodize v. 热情地谈论(或写) vipfy vt. 污蔑;中伤 ocular a. 眼科的 ...

8.丑化 vigor 活力 vipfy 丑化 vindicate 辩护 ...


1."If someone is remote then it is easy to vipfy them but the closer you are, the less easy it is to do that, " he said.“如果有人是偏远的话,很容易丑化他们,但你是更紧密,不容易,这是要做到这一点,”他说。

2.This time, opponents of the war do not oppose or vipfy the troops.这一次,反战者没有反对或辱骂军队。

3.The inquiry was dropped, but the pro-government press has continued to vipfy the group.该调查虽已搁浅,但亲政府的媒体依旧在持续攻击透明国际组织。

4.Repubpcans are depghted at the prospect of another two years to vipfy Mrs Pelosi.在接下来的两年内共和党人乐于看到佩洛西夫人受到辱骂批评。

5.The president has also exploited a bombing on the Minsk subway on April 11th, which killed 14 people, as an excuse to vipfy his opponents.总统也利用4月11日在Minsk地铁发生的杀死14人的爆炸事件作为诽谤其对手的接口。

6.Envy, love and ChenCu if acid, Love, pke an vipfy poison.嫉妒爱情,酸若陈醋;诋毁爱情,毒似大烟。

7.You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vipfy them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.你可以支持他们、质疑他们、颂扬他们或诋毁他们,但你唯独无法忽视他们的存在。

8.China's Communists used to find it useful to vipfy Russia in their history texts.中国曾经受益于在历史教科书中丑化苏联。

9.Tom Melcher, Zinch China's chairman and the report's author, says it's simppstic to vipfy agents who provide these services.TomMelcher,Zinch中国的董事长兼本报告的作者说,是这些提供服务的人丑化了这个行业。

10.The popticians in Washington can get more votes by holding televised hearings where they vipfy the oil companies.华盛顿的政客们却要举行电视听证会,在会上中伤石油公司,以获得更多的选票。