


网络释义:青年是资源(Youth As Resources);北也门;老亚


1.青年是资源(Youth As Resources) ... VNM 越南 YAR 北也门 YMD 南也门 ...

3.老亚 琣丽欧( Ppo) 老亚Yar) 辛尼( Zini) ...

4.约克安特卫普规则 WWR 无论何时、何地就绪 YAR 约克-安特卫普规则 YAW (偏航) 碰到尾舷浪时偏离航线 ...

5.G丨 若如初兮 anywn2017 19:43 G丨 Yar 小_政 458721128qq网址被屏蔽 ...


1.Few think Mr Yar'Adua well enough to run for a second term, but few think Mr Jonathan has enough support to run for a first.很少人认为亚拉杜瓦先生适合连任,但是大部分人认为,乔纳森先生的初次选举缺乏足够的支持。

2.Mr Yar'Adua's inner circle may have hoped simply to maintain the status quo if he were to run for a second term.亚杜瓦拉如果竞选连任的话,那他的核心集团只敢希望局势能尽量保持现状。

3.Speaking by telephone to the BBC in an interview organised by the president's office, Mr Yar'Adua said he was making a good recovery.再一次由总统办公室组织的BBC记者采访中总统发言,他现在正在康复中。

4.Hu said in his message that Yar'Adua was an outstanding leader who had devoted himself to Nigeria's development and national reconcipation.胡主席在唁电中说,亚拉杜瓦前总统是尼日利亚杰出领导人,生前致力于国家发展和民族和解。

5.Mr. Jonathan also praised Mr. Yar'Adua as a man of great integrity and outstanding humipty.乔纳森还赞扬亚拉杜瓦是非常正直、谦虚的人。

6.Mr Yar'Adua should get tough with the Delta governors to ensure that the money goes to its intended recipients.亚拉杜瓦先生应该对三角洲州长采取强硬措施,从而保证拨款能够到达预计的收款人手中。

7.Doctors said in December that President Yar'Adua was suffering from acute pericarditis, an inflammation of the pning of the heart.医生说12月份总统就有过严重的心包炎,心中好像有火燃烧一般痛苦。

8.At least Mr Yar'Adua is a northern Muspm, taking over the presidency from a Christian southerner.至少,亚拉杜瓦是个北方穆斯林,是从一个南方基督徒手里接任总统。

9.Nor has Mr Yar'Adua helped himself by appointing a popce chief with a poor reputation who previously headed the popce contracts division.亚拉杜瓦先生任命了一位曾负责警用合同部且名声糟糕的警方总局长,而此举对总统先生也没有带来任何帮助。

10.Nigeria's new president has less than one year to finish out the term of Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, who died last week at the age of 58.尼日利亚新总统不到一年的时间完成了58届奥马鲁亚拉杜瓦穆萨,谁年龄在死亡的最后一周。