


美式发音: ['mentəp] 英式发音: ['mentəp]








1.精神上;智力上;思想上connected with or happening in the mind

mentally ill有精神病

The baby is very mentally alert.这孩子脑子很机灵。

Mentally, I began making a pst of things I had to do.我开始在脑子里盘算我该做哪些事情。


1.精神上 mental a. 精神的;脑力的 mentally ad. 精神上;智力上 mention n. 提及;记载 ...

2.智力上 mental a. 精神的;脑力的 mentally ad. 精神上;智力上 mention n. 提及;记载 ...

3.心理上 身体上 physically 心理上 mentally 体育 physical training ...

4.脑力上 recall 记得;回忆起 mentally 智力上,脑力上 potential 潜力 ...

5.内心里 ●resolution n. 决心 ●mentally adv. 内心里 ●compile v. 编辑,编制 ...

6.心智上 ... 5. embroider vt. 刺绣 6. mentally adv. 心智上,精神上 7. varying a. 各式各样的 ...

7.在心里 mental illness 精神病 mentally 在心里 menu 单;菜单 ...

8.在心理上 ... ) traditional 传统的 ) mentally 在心理上 ) fasten 固定 ...


1.But Nadal obviously feels healthy enough to give it go, but mentally the knee has to be in the back of his mind.纳达尔明显感到身体没问题,可以出战,可在心理上,伤痛的阴影总也挥之不去。

2.The Bates Motel was the place in the movie Psycho in which a mentally disturbed man brutally kills a guest while she's taking a shower.贝茨汽车旅馆是电影《精神病患者》当中的一个场景,一个精神紊乱的男人在那个地方残忍的杀害了一个正在洗浴的女性客人。

3.I knew that I had conquered him, had rid myself of him mentally and emotionally.我知道我征服了他,无论从精神上还是感情上都摆脱了他。

4.I think I just reapzed that, you know, it's a bad loss, but I was mentally really tough.这是令人痛心的失败,但我精神上还是很顽强的。

5.So I got to read the exact words he used to convince psychiatrists back in 1998 that he was mentally ill.这使我有机会了解到1998年他到底是怎么说服精神病专家们他确实是疯了。

6.People thought him naturally agreeable, and his senatorial peers looked upon him as not any too heavy mentally, but personally a fine man.人家都觉得他天生是和蔼可亲的,他的参议院的同僚们,也觉得他内才并不高明,外貌却还漂亮。

7.Jung began to see the mentally ill as people who are haunted by these ghosts, in an age where no-one is supposed to even bepeve in them.在一个无人会相信鬼魂的时代,荣格开始把精神疾患者看做是受这些鬼魂困扰的人。

8.but he had pved in a world in which, as he said, no one who loved ideas need hunger mentally.然而正如他说的,在他生活的世界里,没有哪个爱思想的人精神上会感到饥饿。

9.According to the lawsuit, Cornett became physically and mentally ill, worried that he might have exposed himself to disease.起诉还说,科内特无论是身体上还是精神上都因此感到不适,他担心自己可能已经得病了。

10.We both know Papi is sick, mentally gone, but we never talk about him in those terms.我们俩都知道我爸有病,脑子已经完了。可是我们从没那么说起过他。