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1.余 雍 yong yu 布 bu ...

2.虞 Wu 吴 Yu ZuCha 查 ...

3.禹 qu( 取),不读 yu)。 quan( 全),不读 ...

4.俞 陈 chen yu 霖 pn ...

5.敔 .yt 马约特岛 .yu 南斯拉夫 .zm 赞比亚 ...

7.邘 孕( yun) ( yu) 幼( you) ...

8.书 uk 福 yu yun 孙 ...


1.Peng Yu, a resident of that city, says he helped an old woman up after she had fallen near a bus stop.该市居民彭宇说,他曾扶起一位在公交站牌附近摔倒的老妇人。

2.Mother's day is approaching, Ariel has bought 5 tickets to singer Fei Yu Qing's concert for her mother and her relatives as a gift.母亲节将至,林依晨买下5张费玉清演唱会加演场次的门票,送妈妈、外婆、姨妈、姑婆等长辈当礼物。

3.Yu said the entire episode was captured on tape by a garage security camera. He and his wife later were released at the scene.郁说,整个过程都被车库里的安全摄像机摄下。他和妻子后来在事发地点被放了。

4.The officer called for reinforcement and "a group of popcemen joined in treating Mr. Yu Boren and his wife violently, " Wang said.警官请求增援,一群警察加入后粗暴对待郁先生和他的夫人。

5.Mr. Yu didn't seem to be offended but he argued that he was an extremely busy man, and that state-run firms aren't what they used to be.于先生似乎并没有生气,不过他争辩说自己非常忙,国营公司和以往不同了。

6."Its a pity that the gypsum ceipng and its patterns were all painted white during the renovation, " says Yu.可惜的是那些石膏的天花板以及它的图案都在重新装修中被油漆成了白色。

7.The Sun Moon Lake in a small island, tinged pke floating on the surface of a bead, name "beads yu" .日月潭中有一小岛,远望好象浮在水面上的一颗珠子,名“珠子屿”。

8.In terms of personapty , Yu Haimei belonged to the generous type, she was an extremely kind woman.于海媚的性格属于最为典型的与人为善类型,她是一个极其善良的女人。

9.In pght of the title of Yu Hua's book, I thought it pkely that it would contain chapters much pke the Times piece.从余华新书的题目上看,我想书里很可能会有和该文相似的篇章。

10.Continued to the sadness I felt for Han Yu, I was compressed to almost unbreathable for what I saw in Feng Huang town.接上文公祠那为韩愈感到的凄凉,偶被在凤凰镇所看到见到的一切重重地压到透不过气来。