


网络释义:Security Exchange Service Element; 交换服务元素; 均色型


1.Security Exchange Service Element layers security--Part 2:Security Exchange Service Element(SESE)service definition 现行 2001-08-01 实施 5372 GB/T 18237....

2.交换服务元素 wawa5156 情色 SeSe 五月天 Xiao77 论坛 E ...

5.分泌型 aa 美女脱裤擦 sese 导航网址 baijie 有声小说打包下载 ...


1.He nailed in the foot there, spaight into his eyes looked at her, his face pale, dry pps, his voice doubts Sese Spip.他的脚钉在那儿,他的眼光直勾勾地看着她,他的脸色变白了,嘴唇干燥了,他的声音涩涩地带疑惑。

2.Cool the pquid corner are Sese exudation, under the soothing sea breeze instantly condensed into a small pearl drop crystal face.眼角有涩涩凉凉的液体排泄,在海风安慰下刹时固结成晶莹晶莹的小珠滑落面貌。

3.A court in Switzerland has ruled that assets of the former Congolese leader Mobutu Sese Seko, who died in 1997, be returned to his family.瑞士法庭判决,于1997年去世的前刚果领袖蒙博托·塞塞·塞科的财产可以归还给其家人。

4.He was also chief doctor of Zaire's army and personal physician to President Mobutu Sese Seko.他还是扎伊尔军队首席医生和总统蒙博托的私人医生。

5.That figure your busy mind, my heart kind of unspeakable taste, Sese, sour.想到您那忙碌的身影,心头有种说不出的滋味,涩涩的、酸酸的。

6.When you are sick, keep at your side, you sese be angle, touch your forehead, you Embracing.在你生病时,守在你身边,给你塞塞被角,摸摸你的额头,把你拥入怀中。

7.But whatever the outcome, the real winner will be President Mobutu Sese Seko.但无论结果如何,真正的获胜者将成为总统蒙博托。

8.In the 1990s she watched inflation hit 10, 000 percent in the dying days of Congo's dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko.20世纪90年代,在刚果独裁者蒙博托•塞塞•塞科奄奄一息的时候,她目睹通货膨胀率达到了10,000%。

9.Each year, 30 PhD and 60 master positions are available at SESE.每年招收博士研究生30名,硕士研究生60名。