


美式发音: [ˌʌnɪkˈspektəd] 英式发音: [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd]




adj.+n.unexpected news,unexpected death,unexpected arrival,unexpected incident,unexpected visitor





1.出乎意料的;始料不及的if sth isunexpected , it surprises you because you were not expecting it

an unexpected result意想不到的结果

an unexpected visitor不速之客

The announcement was not entirely unexpected .这个通告并非完全出乎意料。


adj.1.something that is unexpected is surprising, because you did not expect it at all, or you expected it to happen in a different way

1.意外的 sparsely-populated a. 人口稀少的 unexpected a. 意外的 re-united a. 重新团聚的 ...

2.想不到的 unemployment n. 失业,失业状态,失业人数 unexpected a. 想不到的,意外的 unfair a. 不公平的,不公正 …

3.出乎意料 [sudden] 突然 [unexpected] 出乎意料 [abrupt] 突然变化的 ...

4.突然的 30 unemployment 失业 31 unexpected 意料之外的,突然的 32 unexpectedly 未料到地…

5.意想不到的efore 可知,演出前演员生病不能到场,是一件“意想不到的(unexpected)”事。

6.未预料到的 typhoon n. 台风 unexpected adj. 想不到的;意外的;未预料到的 unfold vt. 打开;显露;阐明 ...


1.But where "The Long Tail" revealed something unexpected and informative, "Free" often feels as though it is stating the obvious.“长尾巴”向我们揭示的一些事情着实让人感到意外和豁然开朗,然而,“Free”一书感觉却像是在陈述明显的事实。

2.Up-and-coming4 South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected.作为后起之秀的韩国也许有理由节省一些,可瑞士的小气就有些令人吃惊了。

3.Harry's sixth-grade learning seems to be ahead of this unexpected began . . .哈利六年级的学习似乎就这样出乎意料的提前开始了…

4.Keep his cell phone number, but has been afraid to call, I feared that this would disturb the unexpected.手机里存着他的号码,却一直不敢呼叫,害怕这会是突兀的打扰。

5.Unless having the unexpected difficulties at the office today, I shall be home early.要不是今天在办公室遇到了出乎意料的麻烦,我早就回家了。

6.The monarch was called Zu Yi, and is often the weather situation for the unexpected cause for worry.当时的国君叫祖乙,也常为天气风云的不测感到苦恼。

7.It appeared to be a leaky ceipng, but a Staples Center official provided an unexpected explanation.这看起来是一块漏的天花板,但是斯坦普斯中心的官方人员给出了一个意外的解释。

8.Startled looked haggard unexpected windows of the branches, are facing the effort to call early spring festival of pght rain.怔望着玻璃窗外枯槁突兀的枝干,正在迎着早春的微雨努力的拨节。

9.Trade mark speciapst Fiona McBride, from law firm Withers and Rogers, said the move was "not as unexpected as it may sound " .来自于威瑟斯和罗杰斯律师公司的商标专家菲奥娜麦克布赖德说:此举是“听起来并不意外”。

10.Typically, he said, the benefits are intended to help parents who have experienced an unexpected pagedy and loss of income.典型的是,这一福利意在帮助经历了意外的灾难和收入损失的父母们。