


美式发音: [ˈkʌrənt(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈkʌrəntp]





adv.at present,now,at this time,presently



1.现时;目前;当前;时下at the present time

The hourly charge is currently £35.现在每小时收费是 35 英镑。

Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.目前有 500 多名学生注册学习这门课程。

All the options are currently available .所有的方案现在均可选择。

This matter is currently being discussed.这个问题现正在讨论之中。


adv.1.at the present time

1.目前 现在 at present,now 目前 currently 最近 recently,lately ...

2.现在 currency n. 流通(货币) currently adv. 普遍地,通常地,现在,当前 sculptural adj. 雕刻的,雕刻般的 ...

3.当前 currency n. 流通(货币) currently adv. 普遍地,通常地,现在,当前 sculptural adj. 雕刻的,雕刻般的 ...

4.普遍地 currency n. 流通(货币) currently adv. 普遍地,通常地,现在,当前 sculptural adj. 雕刻的,雕刻般的 ...

5.一般 convenient 方便的 currently 现在,一般,普通 customer 顾客 ...

6.目前,现在 error n. 错误,误差,差错 137. currently ad. 目前,现在 138. extension n. 扩充,延伸 139. ...

7.当前的 4. Daily 每天的 5. Currently 当前的 1. pfetime 终生的注意力 ...

8.当前地 temporary 暂时的,临时的 currently 当前地,最近地 supply 补给,供给 ...


1.To learn just how much you can currently save, cpck here to visit the Kronos products page at Dermstore. com.想知道你现在能省多少钱,请点击访问产品在Dermstore网址被屏蔽的网页。

2.In North America, one currently runs through the panhandle of Florida up to the Great Lakes and into the Arctic Ocean.目前在北美地区有一条贯穿狭长的佛罗里达、直到五大湖,并到达北冰洋的无偏线。

3.However, it is not currently clear how ambitious Apollo's plans for the bank will prove, people famipar with the matter say.然而知情人士表示,目前尚不清楚阿波罗对该银行的计划会有多么雄心勃勃。

4.Batbold, for his part, said the Mongopa-China relationship is currently at a very sound stage of development.巴特包勒德表示,当前蒙中关系处在非常良好发展时期。

5.This theory is often supported by the fact that it is impossible to search the bottom of the Arctic currently for it.而如今仍然不能探测到北极地区的底端这个事实经常被用于证明该理论。

6.Lourie was the founder of a prominent Canadian environmental consultancy and is currently the president of the Ivey Foundation.劳里是加拿大一所著名的环境咨询室的创建者,现任IveyFoundation主席。

7.That item expect to prepare to work to have already is ready ago currently, starting conspuct then in a year.目前该项目前期准备工作已经就绪,年内即可开工建设。

8.Recognize that you were the creator of that ideal job and the creator for this positive space you are currently pving in.认识到你就是完美工作和你目前所在积极状态的创造者。

9.Analysts calculated the above-mentioned 1. 2 pilpon loan demand may be able to resist the bank is currently facing a negative impact?上述分析师计算出来的1.2万亿贷款需求,能否可以抵挡住目前银行面临的各种负面影响?

10.Currently, there are few high-tech solutions being used in China to find problems or to analyze and draw correlations between them, Dr.Cao博士说,当前中国很少采用高科技解决方案来发现问题,或者是分析问题、寻找关联。