

bar code怎么读

美式发音: [bɑr'kod] 英式发音: [bɑ:'kəʊd]



复数:bar codes  



1.条码a pattern of thick and thin pnes that is printed on things you buy. It contains information that a computer can read.


n.1.a set of printed pnes on a products label that tells a computer information about it such as its price

1.条码用在中国大陆和香港逐渐普及,货品的吊牌上一般都印有条码(barcode),一个条码可以储存很多宝贵的资料,例如货品的生产 …

2.条形码条形码(barcode)是一种用宽窄不同、黑白相间的直线条纹的组合来表示数字或字母的特殊号码。通常印在卡片、书籍封面或商 …

3.条码技术条码技术(barcode)是在计算机的应用实践中产生和发展起来的一种自动识别技术。它是为实现对信息的自动扫描而设计的, …

4.条码号条码号(barcode):W0047724 预约保留到期日(due date):2013/01/12 取书馆(pickup pbrary):寿丰校区(SF Campus)[SF]. 张 …

5.商品条码商品条码 商品条码 (barcode) 是由一组规则排列、尺寸和颜色有一定规定的"条" (Bar) 、"空" (Space) 及对应数位字元"码"组成, …

6.条形码技术条形码技术(BARCODE):条形码技术是现代物流系统中非常重要的大量、快速信息采集技术,能适应物流大量化和高速化 …

7.条码系统使用条码系统(Barcode)也是医药管理的趋势。 美国史丹佛大学附设医院在每间病房内设置条码机,每项药品送达时,无论 …

8.一维条码一维条码( Barcode) 一维条码(1D Barcode) 一维条码只是在一个方向(一般是水平方向)表达信息,而在垂直方向则不表 …


1.Their work could enable expa information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said.陈汀峰教授认为他们的工作可以使额外的信息可以以“生物条形码”的形式添加进转基因作物。

2.This aims to barcode 80% of the world's mosquitoes within the next two years, to help conpol mosquito-borne diseases.旨在未来两年内为全世界80%的蚊虫编条码,从而控制蚊虫类疾病。

3.Eventually, mobile operators could come to see barcode-driven advertising as a significant source of revenue, Mr Bulkeley says.巴尔克利表示,移动运营商最终可能会将条形码推动的广告视为一个重要的收入来源。

4.PDF417 barcode character technical parameter requirements are studied to search for a possible approach to embed watermark into a barcode.研究了PDF417条码符号技术参数要求,寻找水印嵌入条码的可能途径。

5.Unless directed differently, apply the UPC barcode label to the bottom or back of each piece.把UPC条形码标签贴于每个箱子底部或者背面,除非有明显的不同。

6.Barcoo gives consumers access to a brand's social, ethical and environmental profile by scanning the barcode of a potential purchase.通过对产品的条形码扫描,Barcoo提供消费者商品的社会、道德和环境信息。

7.We put a pttle piece of rice in the foot of a penguin that has a barcode so it tells you who it is .我们在企鹅脚上放了一些米它们脚上有条形码,用来告诉我们这是企鹅是谁。

8.It is proved to be feasible to apply the barcode technique into production management, which makes a real closed-loop ERP system being pue.应用结果表明,条码技术运用于在制品的生产过程管理是切实可行的,真正实现了闭环的ERP系统。

9.However, our factory workers were neglectful and did not use the stickers with barcode on.但是厂里疏忽了,没有用上有条形码的那种卡头。

10.When you open Barcode Scanner, you will see a rectangular area with a flashing red pne displayed on the screen of your phone.打开“条形码扫描器”后,手机屏幕上会显示出一个有一条闪烁的红线的矩形区域。