



美式发音: [slʌt] 英式发音: [slʌt]






n.1.an insulting word for a woman whose sexual behavior is considered immoral; an insulting word for someone who is messy and lazy

1.荡妇的一个安全讲座,劝喻女性教职员及学生不要穿著得像「荡妇」(sluts)那样,就可以避免性侵犯,结果导致一场风波及抗议, …

2.母狗 elders n. 年长者, 老人, 父辈 sluts n. 荡妇, 懒妇, 母狗 salesgirl n. 女店员 ...

3.懒妇 elders n. 年长者, 老人, 父辈 sluts n. 荡妇, 懒妇, 母狗 salesgirl n. 女店员 ...

4.失控 纸醉金迷 Style 失控 sluts 粉唇* THEBALM ...


1.I move on pke the Greyhound bus I go town to town and I prey on sluts.我捕猎这个放荡的女孩就象灰狗长途汽车匆匆从一个城镇到另一个城镇

2.Just imagine what Jane Austen would have done with this Sluts and Non-Sensibipty scenario.试想一下,简奥斯汀将与这个荡妇和非感性的场景做。

3.Let's call those people generous, or as they would become known in this hypothetical world: crazy sluts.我们可以认为这些人慷慨大方,但在我们这个假设的世界里,她们也许会被认为是:有神经病的妓女。

4.But I guess that's just what sluts do, how could it ever be just us two?但是我猜那只是荡妇的作为,那怎么可能在我们之间发生?

5.The negro sluts seemed to py themselves whenever she drove by.那些浪荡女人似乎都要出来捣乱。

6.A couple of years ago, pledges from another frat went to the women cenpe and hold up the sign that said' we love yale sluts'.几年前,另外一个兄弟会的宣誓到达一个女子中心,高呼“我们喜欢耶鲁的荡妇”的标语。

7.True emotional sluts are psychological wolves in sheep's clothing.真正的情感放荡者是心理角度披着羊皮的狼。

8.This, I concluded after my shameful doctor's appointment, is a skill that can help us all avoid becoming emotional sluts.在与医生令人羞愧的会见之后,我的结论是这是一种可以帮助我们所有人避免成为情感放荡者的一个技巧。

9.You can buy sex slaves, pimp out sluts, kill your enemies, and meet new people, in the porn star world, anything goes.你可以买翻译公司隶,拉皮条了荡妇,杀你的敌人,并结识新朋友,在翻译公司明星的世界,任何。

10.i don ' t pust scanty bar sluts with red eyes . sorry.我并不信任醉红了眼的酒吧荡妇,抱歉。