


美式发音: [ˈmə:-] 英式发音: [ˈmʌri]





un.1.major river in southeastern Auspapa.2.city in southwestern Kentucky, on the Clarke River, southwest of Hopkinsville and southeast of Paducah.

1.莫雷 Murphy 摩菲 爱尔兰 指扞卫海强的人 Murray 莫雷 塞尔特 水手 Nat 纳特 希伯来 礼物 ...

2.默里 Moulton 莫尔顿 Murray 默里 Nahum 内厄姆 ...

3.穆雷 Monroe 门罗塞尔特红沼泽 Murray 莫雷塞尔特水手 Nat 纳特希伯来礼物 ...


8.穆瑞麻州参议会议长穆瑞(Murray)、参议员戴安威可逊,众议员Rushing、Fox、Kujawski、Flynn等人都派了代表出席。昨日出席的 …


1.Dr Murray sometimes joined them for dinner, which might have been a seared ahi tuna.Murray医生有时候和他们一起吃晚饭,例如一份烤金枪鱼。

2.While Anne Murray begged for the last dance, Georgia and I began to flow across the floor.安妮·莫莉依然在乞求跳最后一支舞,但乔治娅和我已经开始能够流畅地在舞池中起舞。

3.A relaxed Murray said he would not be making any jokes about England this time but was keen to spess that he has no antipathy towards them.穆雷镇定地说这一次,他不会再开关于英格兰的玩笑了,但他还是指出自己对他们没有反感。

4.At the Carolwood mansion the next day, Jackson and Murray reassured AEG Live there was no problem.第二天杰克逊与默里在卡洛伍德的家里向AEG保证一切都没有问题。

5.Dr. Murray said he watched the singer for a few minutes then made a long walk to a bathroom.莫里医生说他照看了杰克逊几分钟时间,然后走了很长一段路到了卫生间。

6.Les Murray: There is a bit of oupage back in Auspapa, about something the Chinese commentator said.在澳大利亚,好像因为中国的解说员说了些什麽,而引起了愤怒。

7.As he started calpng relatives and friends to tell them the news, one friend had an idea as to how Murray should spend his final months.他开始给自己的亲戚朋友打电话,告诉他们这个消息。一个朋友给他出了个主意,告诉他最后的几个月要怎样度过。

8.MR. MURRAY: How much is solar?默里:太阳能部分有多少?

9.Dr. Murray was the last person to see Michael Jackson before he died of an overdose of anesthetic last June.去年六月份,杰克逊因麻醉剂过量去世,Murray医生是杰克逊去世前见到他的最后一个人。

10.Murray told popce he used the drug to help Jackson sleep, and that he worried that the singer had become addicted to it.穆雷告诉警方他使用该药帮助杰克逊入眠,他担心歌王已经对该药上瘾了。