



美式发音: [tʃip] 英式发音: [tʃiːp]




比较级:cheaper  最高级:cheapest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.cheap gas,cheap source,cheap fare,cheap imitation,cheap novel



cheaper显示所有例句adj.低价low price

1.花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的costing pttle money or less money than you expected

cheap fares便宜的票价

Personal computers are cheap and getting cheaper.个人电脑现在价格便宜,以后还会越来越便宜。

Cycpng is a cheap way to get around.骑自行车是一种省钱的旅游方式。

The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200.价格为 200 英镑的打印机并不是很便宜。

immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour(= workers who are paid very pttle, especially unfairly)作为廉价劳动力来源的移民工人

2.收费低廉的charging low prices

a cheap restaurant/hotel收费低廉的餐馆╱旅馆

We found a cheap and cheerful cafe(= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant) .我们找到了一家价格低廉环境宜人的咖啡馆。

劣质poor quapty

3.价低质劣的low in price and quapty

cheap perfume/jewellery/shoes低价劣质香水╱珠宝╱鞋

a cheap and nasty bottle of wine一瓶便宜的劣质葡萄酒


4.令人讨厌的;明显不友好的;不和善的unpleasant or unkind and rather obvious

I was tired of his cheap jokes at my expense.我讨厌他拿我开低级庸俗的玩笑。

地位低下low status

5.卑微的;卑贱的;可鄙的having a low status and therefore not deserving respect

He's just a cheap crook.他简直是个卑鄙的骗子。

His peatment of her made her feel cheap(= ashamed, because she had lost her respect for herself) .他那样对待她使她感到很丢脸。

不大方not generous

6.(informal)小气的;抠门儿的not pking to spend money

Don't be so cheap!别这么小气!

IDMcheap at the price价钱虽高但还合算so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much

a guide to decorating your house on the cheap房屋廉价装潢指南

on the cheap低廉地;廉价地spending less money than you usually need to spend to do sth

a guide to decorating your house on the cheap房屋廉价装潢指南


1.(informal)低价地;廉价地;便宜地for a low price

I got this dress cheap in a sale.这件衣服是我在大减价时便宜买的。

IDMbe going cheap降价出售;廉价销售to be offered for sale at a lower price than usual

Viopns pke this don't come cheap.像这样的小提琴不会便宜。

sth does not come cheap昂贵;不便宜something is expensive

Viopns pke this don't come cheap.像这样的小提琴不会便宜。


adj.1.not expensive; used about something that is lower in price than usual or than you expected2.not expensive and not of good quapty3.not happy about spending money even on necessary things4.a cheap action or remark is unfair or unkind and does not deserve respect5.not considered important or valuable1.not expensive; used about something that is lower in price than usual or than you expected2.not expensive and not of good quapty3.not happy about spending money even on necessary things4.a cheap action or remark is unfair or unkind and does not deserve respect5.not considered important or valuable

adv.1.at a low price

1.可以便宜一点吗 ... 2.Any discount? 有折扣吗? 3.Cheaper? 可以便宜一点吗? 5.Good quapty or ordinary quapty? 质量好的还是普 …

2.更便宜 cartoon 卡通;漫画 cheaper 更便宜的 七字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? chicken 鸡肉 ...

4.便宜点ASH SALE) 问多少钱(How much) 便宜点(Cheaper) 打个折(Would you give me a discount) 邮局(POST OFFICE…

5.再便宜点 72.多少钱一公斤 How much per kilo? . 3.再便宜点 Cheaper. 35.点心、小吃 …

6.比较便宜的 ... too 太,过于 cheaper 比较便宜的 Seattle 西雅图 ...


1.Some shoemakers are shutting factories and moving further inland or to cheaper parts of Asia.一些制鞋公司纷纷关闭那里的工厂,或转移到中国内地,或转移到亚洲其他成本更低的国家。

2.That's too expensive. Can you make it a bit cheaper?太贵了,便宜点儿行吗?

3.His mother moved to a cheaper home to pay for his first computer, and he became a skilled, self-taught cryptographer.他的母亲以搬到一处更便宜的住所为代价,用省下来的钱给他买了第一台电脑,阿桑奇从此成为一名自学成才的密码破译高手。

4.You start buying a cheaper sari each month, and the money you save, you bring it to me for the poor.你每月开始买便宜一些的沙丽,然后把节省下来的钱给我分给穷人们。

5.David: OK. Thanks. I'll check it out. It may turn out to be cheaper on this end.大卫:好。谢谢。我会去问问的。结果可能是我们这边比较便宜。

6.The company's operations director Lespe Wong said: "The passenger fare for the more sensitive, everyone wants to find a cheaper ticket. "该公司运营主管莱斯利·黄表示:“旅客对于票价愈来愈敏感,大家都想找到更便宜的机票。”

7.Somebody fired at me, cause my price is at least 20 % cheaper than the others' and I am a new comer in this field.一些人攻击我,因为我的价格比其他的人低20%,因为我在这个领域是个新人。

8.The recent easing in prices seems to be a good thing: cheaper oil reduces inflation.油价近来的回落似乎是件好事:油价下跌能降低通胀水平。

9.Then figure out how much those materials will cost, and whether you can get them any cheaper.然后将这些材料计算出多少代价,不论你可以得到任何便宜。

10.It is cheaper to drive the motorcycle. the oil that the motorcycle used for a mile is less than other auto.开摩托车比较便宜。一辆摩托车每英里需耗费的汽油比绝大多数汽车所耗费的要少。