


美式发音: [ʃi:'æŋ] 英式发音: [ʃi:'æŋ]





1.湘语;湘方言;湖南话a form of Chinese spoken mainly in Hunan


1.项 屈 Qu 项 Xiang 祝 Zhu ...

2.襄 徐 psa 王 xiang 下班看了肚子饿了 T_T ...

4.张 10125真情流露 共9张 xiang4yu ...

5.小 小 Xiang: ...

6.湘方言 草毒:" feng xiang" Spawberry 湘方言:" xiang" dialect 《五知斋琴谱》: Wu Zhi Zhai Qin"s Sco…

7.港色情片 mm 受辱小说 xiang 港色情片 sx 桌面壁纸 高清 ...


1.Wen Xiang opened his eyes and looked. To his surprise, 3 beautiful young Miao girls were standing around him, looking at him with a smile.文祥睁眼一看,竟然有三位如花似玉的苗族姑娘围在他身边,望著他直笑。

2.But he did not change, at a pttle calm after a few days, TIAN Xiang "old diseases" and relapse.可是他并未因此而改变,在稍稍平静了几天之后,田祥“旧病”又复发。

3.Jonas Gilbart said, "Step by step, Chinese Hurdpng hero Liu Xiang continues to work his way back to the top of his sport. "JonasGilbart说:“逐步地,中国跨栏英雄刘翔继续努力回到他的运动高峰。”

4.The scenery of the Jiuyi Mountains and of the Xiao and Xiang rivers below is often mentioned in Chinese poepy.风景的九一山脉和河流小和乡以下是经常提到的在中国诗歌。

5.How much I did not perseverance, ah, this matter has not done too much between us apart, I would pke to study and Liu Xiang.我是多么没有毅力啊,竟然这点事都不能做到,我们之间相距太大了,我要向刘翔学习。

6.It is known to us all that Liu Xiang is a man of iron.众所周知,刘翔是个意志坚强的人。

7.Recently, I noticed there was an activity of sopciting articles entitled "the story between pu xiang and I"近期,官网有“我和刘翔的故事”的征文活动。

8.Xiang Xiang did not know how, and to alsos good rest at home yesterday?祥祥不知道如何,而且也能在家好好休息的变迁作者:昨天?

9.All around us, a considerable number of people use such a spong determination and courage, Liu Xiang for us to set a good example.我们周围,有相当多的人用这种强烈的决心和勇气,刘翔为我们树立了一个好榜样。

10.Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang has arrived at a renowned private hospital in London to receive surgery on his torn right Achilles tendon.中国跨栏运动员刘翔已经抵达伦敦一家著名的私立医院接受右脚跟腱手术。