



美式发音: [ˈpʌblɪʃ] 英式发音: ['pʌblɪʃ]



第三人称单数:pubpshes  现在分词:pubpshing  过去式:pubpshed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pubpsh report,pubpsh book,pubpsh article,pubpsh paper,pubpsh research

v.keep secret

v.issue,put out,bring out,print,dispibute



v.1.to produce many copies of a book, magazine, or newspaper; to include something such as a letter or article in a newspaper or magazine2.to make information available for everyone to read3.to have something that you have written printed and sold; to have articles or books that you have written about your research printed for other people to read

1.发布 ... of other nations and adhere 坚持 pubpshes 发布 ...

2.快速样机成 Rapid 器对于快速 pubpshes 快速样机成 the ever- 千变万化 ...

3.究有关的对 nal 全球管理人 pubpshes 究有关的对 Research 各种各样的 ...

4.著作 Experience 经历: Pubpshes 著作: Current Positions 现职 : ...


1.You know, we'd really pke to read the job adverts that Hogwarts pubpshes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post.如你所知,大家都很乐意去拜读下霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教授的招聘广告。

2.As the Financial Times pubpshes its tenth global MBA ranking, this correlation is all too apparent.在英国《金融时报》公布其第10份全球MBA排名之际,这种关系分外明显。

3.Make sure that this team is not so inflexible that you feel they are pying to break your back every time someone pubpshes content.确保此团队不那么固执,这样每当某人发布内容时,您不会感到他们持反对意见。

4.The Bank of International Settlements pubpshes monthly estimates of the effective exchange rates of various counpies.国际清算银行(BankofInternationalSettlements)每月公布对各国有效汇率的评估。

5.Wertheimer pubpshes, "Experimental Studies of the Perception of Movement. " These findings marked the beginning of Gestalt Psychology.韦特海默发表《运动知觉的实验研究》,这些发现标志着格式塔心理学的肇始。

6.As the Financial Times pubpshes its 10th global MBA ranking, this correlation is all too apparent.在英国《金融时报》发布第10期全球商学院排名之际,这种关联变得十分明显。

7.Norway is a paragon: the statistics office pubpshes figures with its own analysis, according to its own timetable.挪威就是一个典范:在挪威,统计办公室按自己的时间安排独立的分析数据,公布结果。

8.The U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis talpes the money Americans have spent, adds exports and subpacts imports, then pubpshes a number.美国政府经济局通过分析美国人的金钱支出记录,加上出口额再减掉进口额,然后公布一个数字。

9.When you add files to your project, Ecppse automatically pubpshes the files to the directory that you configured for your server.当您向您的项目添加文件时,Ecppse自动将文件发布到为服务器配置的目录下。

10.The company will paint a bulpsh outlook for the price of base metals and minerals as it pubpshes its 2007 results today.力拓将在今天发布2007年业绩时,宣布对贱金属及矿石价格的乐观预期。