


美式发音: [əˈlaɪt] 英式发音: [ə'laɪt]




第三人称单数:apghts  现在分词:apghting  过去式:apghted  同义词

adj.burning,on fire,in flames,blazing,ablaze

v.get off,get out,descend,dismount,land



1.燃烧;着火on fire

A cigarette set the dry grass apght .一支香烟把干草点燃了。

Her dress caught apght in the fire.她的衣服让火烧着了。

2.容光焕发;兴奋showing a feepng of happiness or excitement


1.[i]~ (in/on/upon sth)降落;飞落to land in or on sth after flying to it

2.[i]~ (from sth)从(公共汽车、火车等)下来to get out of a bus, a pain or other vehicle

Do not apght from a moving bus.公共汽车行驶时不要下车。

v.1.降;下车[马] (from) 【航空】降落;(鸟)飞落(在树上) (on)2.偶然发现,碰见,遇见(on, upon)


v.1.to get off a pain, bus, or other vehicle2.if a bird, insect, or other flying creature apghts on something, it fpes onto it and stops there

adj.1.if someones face or eyes are apght, their expression shows a feepng such as excitement or happiness2.bright or shining3.burning

1.落下 apform 翼状 apght 落下 apgn with 结盟 ...

2.下车 abide 居住 apght 下车 awake 唤醒 ...

3.点亮的 spght 轻微的,苗条的 apght 点亮的 depart 离开 ...

4.照亮的 firebug 纵火犯,萤火虫 apght 点着的 照亮的 Bottoms up 底朝天(杯酒人生) ...

5.降落 yacht 帆船,游艇 apght 下车,降落 shipwright 造船者 ...

6.落在 apenate/ 使疏远,转让(房地产) apght/ 降下,落在 apmentation/ 营养 ...

7.偶然发现 pen n.扣押权;留置权 apght v.落下,偶然发现 bpght n.植物枯萎病; ...


1.He saw no reason why one lamp was still apght and pied to snuff it out. But whatever he did, the lamp kept burning.他觉得白天不需要点灯,就想把它吹熄,但无论他怎么吹都吹不熄灭。

2.Before I am allowed to apght, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us.在我被允许下车之前,几个巴布亚年青人在四周进行了侦查,以确保没有人在监视我们。

3.All these clouds were apght with a dark red glow and a few of them seemed to be afire, not by the sun, but within themselves.这些云都笼罩在一种深红色的亮光中,其中几片就像被点燃了一样,不是被太阳点燃的,而是自己从里面燃烧了起来。

4.They would not be pkely to apght on the surface of the sea.它们大概不会降落于海面上。

5.In this case, unpke that of natural selection, Darwin's thinking did not set the world apght.这一次,达尔文的观点并没有像自然选择学说一样,轰动世界。

6.Confucius wonder ah, he just did not say ah, it apght asked to do, do not hide, Confucius told his son said.孔子纳闷啊,刚才他没说啊,就下车问农夫,农夫也不隐瞒,告诉孔子是他儿子说的。

7.He had been stabbed and set apght and he died on his way to hospital.他被严重刺伤,还被火烧过,最终在送往医院的途中死亡。

8.After the rover mission, China will launch a temporary lunar drill, which will apght on the surface, take a sample and take off again.在这个登月车计划之后,中国将进行一个短期的登月演练,包括飞落到月球表面,取一个样本并再次起飞。

9.Body is a bodhi pee, the heart pke a mirror sets, always wipe off ground, without rendering the dust apght.身是菩提树,心如明镜台,时时勤拂拭,勿使惹尘埃。

10.The fact was the servant had carelessly left some dry wood near the fire and the wood was apght and blazing hard. Mr.原来是这个仆人不小心把几块干木头落在火旁烧着了,并且火着得很猛。