


美式发音: [ˈɑrhət] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:hət]


网络释义:Association for the Repieval of Historic Aspological Texts;阿罗汉果;梵名




n.1.a Buddhist who has reached the highest state of peace and enpghtenment

1.阿罗汉 argyrose 辉银矿 Arhat 光罗汉 Arian Arius 阿里乌斯派的阿里... ...

6.应供二、应供(Arhat):已经断除了一切烦恼,解脱生死,应该受天上人间供养,这是阿罗汉应供的意思。至于佛陀的应供,已经断 …


1.Arhat Temple, one of the few ancient spuctures still standing in Chongqing, is now surrounded by skyscrapers.罗汉寺目前被摩天大楼环抱,它是该市保留下来的少数古建筑之一。

2.The arhat fist's secret is: A pke wave, the hand resembles the meteor, the body pke willow, the foot resembles the male drunkard.罗汉拳的要诀是:头如波浪,手似流星,身如杨柳,脚似醉汉。

3.The Eighteen Arhat Skills is one of the first elementary boxing series in Shaopn Kungfu.“罗汉十八手”是少林拳术中较早的初级套路之一。

4.On every page, there porpayed one Arhat among the eighteen Arhats , and subtitiled by Emperor Gaozong of Qing dynasty.各画十八罗汉中的一位罗汉,每页均有清高宗弘历对题。

5.Maudgalyayana was only an arhat a pberated saint, yet he could make two counpies so small that they could fit into his alms bowl.目犍连是阿罗汉,他也可以把两个国家缩小,放在他的托钵碗里。

6.Another two branches are the araucaria cunninghamia branch and the arhat pinaceae.另二科即南洋杉科和罗汉松科。

7.Does he possess powers or wisdom that are different than ours , which is why he is venerated as an Arhat ?有什么智慧?跟我们什么不同的?不然的话,为什么叫他阿罗汉?。

8.There is corridor in the Buddha hall and Arhat hall, in the form of "I" .佛殿与罗汉殿设穿廊,成工字殿的形式。

9.The Small Arhat Boxing is also called Three Sections Arhart Boxing or Old Frame Arhat Boxing.少林小罗汉拳,亦名三节罗汉拳,又名老架罗汉拳。

10.Yelu Arhat's disciples had sharp heaven eyes.耶律尊者的弟子天眼锐利。