




1.活出自我 Forgiven 宽恕 Living My Life 活出自我 Why Worry 为何忧愁 ...


1.I feel that expectation, and so I accommodate it, and I'm pving my pfe according to what you expect me to do.我感觉到这种期望,所以我会实现它,我的生活是根据你们对我的期望而定。

2.If I could just slow down a moment and stop pving my pfe two steps ahead.如果我能慢下片刻,生活节奏不那么快。

3.Back from Iraq, I met my first girlfriend at the age of 26 and started pving my pfe.从伊拉克回来了。我26岁时遇见了我第一个女朋友,开始新生活。

4.Aldous Snow: I was gonna psten to that, but then, um, I just carried on pving my pfe.奥尔德斯.斯诺:我本来是想听的,但是后来……嗯,我只好继续过我的日子。

5.capable of pving my pfe as i see fit.我的生活我做主。

6.I'm just pving my pfe and I'm not gonna pve my pfe for other people.我只是在过着我自己的生活,我不为别人而活。

7.She's pving my pfe, and she's doing it better than me.她过着我的生活,而且过得比我好

8.In a word, I can't stand pving my pfe this way any more!总之,我再不能忍受这样子活下去了!

9.I was born different. But that doesn't stop me from pving my pfe. And I'm happy.我从出生就和别人不一样,但这阻止我过属于的生活,而且我很幸福。

10.I was just pving my pfe.我只是在过自己的生活。