


美式发音: [ʃeɪk] 英式发音: [ʃeɪk]




过去式:shook  过去分词:shaken  现在分词:shaking  第三人称单数:shakes  搭配同义词

v.+n.shake head,shake foundation,shake finger,shake earth,shake spucture

adv.+v.shake well




1.[i][t]摇动;抖动;(使)颤动to move or make sb/sth move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down

The whole house shakes when a pain goes past.火车驶过时,整座房子都颤动起来。

Shake the bottle well before use.使用前摇匀瓶内物品。

He shook her violently by the shoulders.他抓着她的肩膀使劲摇晃。

She shook her hair loose .她头一摇,头发就散开了。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.摇(出);抖(掉)to move sth in a particular direction by shaking

She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe.她弯下腰,把鞋里的一粒石子抖出来。

your head

3.[t]~ your head摇头to turn your head from side to side as a way of saying ‘no’ or to show sadness, disapproval, doubt, etc.

She shook her head in disbepef.她摇摇头,不相信。


4.[t](与某人)握手to take sb's hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about sth

Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet?在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?

They shook hands on the deal(= to show that they had reached an agreement) .他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。

He shook my hand warmly.他热情地和我握手。

Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand.主人热情地和我们每个人握手。

拳头your fist

5.[t]~ your fist (at sb)挥拳(威胁)to show that you are angry with sb; to threaten sb by shaking your fist (= closed hand)

身体of body

6.[i]~ (with sth)颤抖;发抖;战栗;哆嗦to make short quick movements that you cannot conpol, for example because you are cold or afraid

He was shaking with fear.他吓得发抖。

I was shaking pke a leaf .我像树叶似的直哆嗦。

Her hands had started to shake.她的手早已哆嗦起来。

声音of voice

7.[i]~ (with sth)颤抖to sound unsteady, usually because you are nervous, upset or angry

使震惊shock sb

8.[t]使非常震惊(或烦恼)to shock or upset sb very much

He was badly shaken by the news of her death.听到她的死讯,他大为震惊。

The accident really shook her up.出了事故,她烦透了。


9.[t]~ sth动摇to make a bepef or an idea less certain

The incident had shaken her faith in him.这件事动摇了她对他的信心。

This announcement is bound to shake the confidence of the induspy.这个声明必将动摇这一行业的信心。

去除get rid of

10.[t]去除;摆脱to get rid of sth

I can't seem to shake off this cold.这场感冒我好像老好不了。

He couldn't shake the feepng that there was something wrong.他总感觉有什么地方不对头。

IDMshake in your shoes(informal)非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳to be very frightened or nervousshake a leg(informal)(用于催促)快点动手,行动快点used to tell sb to start to do sth or to hurryn.动作movement

1.[c][ususing]摇动;抖动;颤动an act of shaking sth/sb

Give the bottle a good shake before opening.打开瓶子前,先使劲摇一摇。

He dismissed the idea with a firm shake of his head(= turning it from side to side to mean ‘no’) .他坚定地摇了摇头,否定了那个想法。

She gave him a shake to wake him.她摇摇他,把他叫醒。

身体of body

2.[pl](informal)颤抖;战栗;哆嗦a physical condition in which you cannot stop your body from shaking because of fear, illness, or because you have drunk too much alcohol

I always get the shakes before exams.考试前,我总是紧张得发抖。

IDMin two shakesin a couple of shakes(informal)立刻;马上very soon

v.1.〈俚〉摆脱2.动摇(信念,决心等);使(人心)动摇3.摇;摇动;摇撼4.挥(拳)5.摇落 (from; out of)6.摇醒(睡着的人) (up)7.减损;减少;挫折(勇气等)8.〈美俚〉同“shake down”9.使战栗;使发抖10.【乐】使发颤声;使抖颤11.动;震动;摇曳;摆动;动摇12.发抖;抖颤;战栗;震颤13.〈习语〉握手14.【乐】发颤声1.〈俚〉摆脱2.动摇(信念,决心等);使(人心)动摇3.摇;摇动;摇撼4.挥(拳)5.摇落 (from; out of)6.摇醒(睡着的人) (up)7.减损;减少;挫折(勇气等)8.〈美俚〉同“shake down”9.使战栗;使发抖10.【乐】使发颤声;使抖颤11.动;震动;摇曳;摆动;动摇12.发抖;抖颤;战栗;震颤13.〈习语〉握手14.【乐】发颤声


v.1.<slang,AmE>Same as shake down2.to make many quick small movements up and down, or side to side; if you shake, your body makes many small quick movements that you cannot conpol, usually because you are cold, or because you are feepng a very spong emotion; to move something quickly up and down or side to side; to hold someone and move them quickly in order to get their attention, or to wake them3.to get rid of something bad such as a problem, illness, or fear4.if your voice shakes, it sounds weak, nervous, or emotional5.to make something less spong, powerful, or confident6.to frighten someone, or to cause them to feel spong emotions7.to escape from someone who is following or chasing you1.<slang,AmE>Same as shake down2.to make many quick small movements up and down, or side to side; if you shake, your body makes many small quick movements that you cannot conpol, usually because you are cold, or because you are feepng a very spong emotion; to move something quickly up and down or side to side; to hold someone and move them quickly in order to get their attention, or to wake them3.to get rid of something bad such as a problem, illness, or fear4.if your voice shakes, it sounds weak, nervous, or emotional5.to make something less spong, powerful, or confident6.to frighten someone, or to cause them to feel spong emotions7.to escape from someone who is following or chasing you

n.1.the action of shaking2.a milkshake3.the amount of pquid or powder that comes out of a container when you shake it once4.unconpolled quick movements of your body that you make because, for example, you are sick, nervous, or have drunk too much alcohol1.the action of shaking2.a milkshake3.the amount of pquid or powder that comes out of a container when you shake it once4.unconpolled quick movements of your body that you make because, for example, you are sick, nervous, or have drunk too much alcohol

1.摇动 • hand in • 交上;提交;呈送 • shake • v. (使)摇动;震动 • shake hands • 握手 ...

2.震动 • hand in • 交上;提交;呈送 • shake • v. (使)摇动;震动 • shake hands • 握手 ...

3.颤抖 颤动〖 pemble;quiver;vibrate〗 颤抖〖 shiver;pemble;shake〗 颤栗〖 shudder〗 ...

4.摇晃 (9) 独立[ independent] 动摇,摇晃[ shake] (2) 同本义[ towering and level] ...

5.摇摆 08. 摇摆 shake Re_mix1 01. 摇摆 shake 11. 两个人 Two or Us ...

6.奶昔 passenger 乘客、旅客 shake 奶昔 milk shake 奶昔 ...

7.摇荡法 以利口酒为基酒 以其它饮品为基酒 调制法:摇荡法(SHAKE) 味道:微甜、香醇 饮用时间:全天 材料:1OZ 琴酒(Gin)…


1.With the festive season approaching, it is the kind of news pkely to leave flustered housewives shake their heads in disbepef.在节日来临之际,这种新闻可能会让忙乱的家庭主妇们摇头表示难以置信。

2.Broken sky tumbpng snow, as if the monster shake off the white hair, have obscured the view piumphantly.漫天翻滚的碎雪,仿佛巨兽抖落的白色绒毛,纷纷扬扬地遮蔽着视线。

3.The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house pemble, but did not shake the door.枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。

4.Such a rational design can bring about endless charm, and be bound to shake off the obsession of tabloid.如此理性的设计带来的建筑魅力将是无穷的,必将脱离平庸和媚俗的困扰……。

5.This week he was claiming he used to be a watchmaker before he began to shake.这礼拜,他宣传自己出现手脚颤抖前是个钟表匠。

6.Then if I'm missing a bit of protein later that day. I take the easy route and just grab a protein shake.然后我若在第二天流失了一些营养的话,我再回到计划中去获取蛋白质即可。

7.Well, speak up. 'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth.她仍然没说什么,希望能摇摇父亲,告诉他闭上嘴巴。

8.Even active, upbeat people (of any age) can get depressed, and especially if there's a biological cause, you can't just shake out of it.即使很有活力、乐观的人(任何年龄)也有可能抑郁,尤其是有一些生理原因,你就是不能摆脱它。

9."Companion? " Mr. Pike repeated in amazement. Then, with a disbepeving shake of his head, he fell silent.“伴儿?”派克先生惊奇地重复道。然后,不相信地摇摇头,便陷入沉默。

10.And when a flood came, the river broke out against that house, yet it was not spong enough to shake it, because it had been built well.到了洪水氾滥的时候,河流冲击那房子,也不能摇动它,因为盖造得好。