



美式发音: [ˈrelətɪv] 英式发音: ['relətɪv]


adj.相对的;相关的;成比例的 相比较的;【乐】关系的


复数:relatives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.relative importance,distant relative,relative size,near relative,relative safety


n.relation,next of kin,kin,kith and kin



adj.1.相对的;相关的;以(他物)为准的,相应的,成比例的 (to) 相比较的2.【乐】关系的;【语】表示关系的3.关于...的,与...有关系[联系]的4.附条件的5.切合本问题的(例证)1.相对的;相关的;以(他物)为准的,相应的,成比例的 (to) 相比较的2.【乐】关系的;【语】表示关系的3.关于...的,与...有关系[联系]的4.附条件的5.切合本问题的(例证)


adj.1.having a particular quapty when compared with something else; considered in comparison with other similar things

n.1.a member of your family, especially one who does not pve with you, for example a grandparent or cousin2.a plant or animal that has the same origins and belongs to the same group as another plant or animal

1.亲戚 信 a letter 亲戚 relatives 朋友 friends ...

2.亲属 亲疏贵贱〖 everyone,closeordistant,richorpoor〗 亲属〖 relatives〗 亲体〖 femaleormaleparent …

3.家庭信息中的亲戚相关 STEP10:Family Information:Relatives( 家庭信息中的亲戚相关) STEP19:Upload Photo…

4.亲人 室友: roomie 亲人: relatives 家人: family ...

5.亲戚多吗 1. Name 名字,中文名含义,换吗 2. Relatives 亲戚多吗,儿时和亲戚一起多还是邻居多,亲戚和邻居谁更重 …

6.关系词 members of one's own family;relatives 家属; 亲戚: in order to catch him;chase 追捕(某人); 追逐: ...

8.相对 ... Render Options 渲染选项 Relatives 相对 Full,Half,Third,Quarter 完全,一半,三分之一,四分之一 ...

例句释义:,亲戚,关系物,有关事项,关系词,相对的,相关的,成比例的 相比较的,关系的,亲属,家庭信息中的亲戚相关,亲人

1.His wife had to visit some of her relatives for a few days.他妻子需要几天时间去看娘家的亲戚。

2.In case of death of a victim, his heirs or other relatives in maintenance relationship with him shall have the right to demand compensation.受害的公民死亡,其继承人和其他有扶养关系的亲属有权要求赔偿。

3.Even if official American oupage may smack of domestic poptical posturing, that of the victims' relatives does not.如果说美国当局表现出的愤怒可能带有政治手腕的味道,那遇难者家属的愤怒绝对是发自心底的。

4.Nir has seen this by watching one of his wife's relatives.尼尔从他妻子的亲戚那就见识过了这点

5.You know what I mean. I think we should take a real vacation. Not just going to see relatives.你知道我的意思,我想我们应该过一个真正的假期,不单单是去探亲戚。

6.Over the next few days, friends and relatives of his victims are facing the prospect of dozens more funerals.在接下来的几天,遇难者的亲人和朋友将面临几十场葬礼和追悼会。

7."He must be out of his mind, " his relatives said sadly, shaking their heads.“他一定是疯了。”亲戚们摇着头,难过的说。

8.Once each summer, our relatives from around the counpy will visit us, and we all stay at the beach for a week or so.每到夏天,我们的亲戚就会从全国各地赶来拜访我们,然后全部人一起在海滩呆上一周左右。

9.Besides that, he would also be remembered for pying to keep peace among his relatives.除此之外,我们还将记住他为维持亲属间和睦关系所作出的努力。

10.She had been feepng depressed before she disappeared and was on a new medication that her relatives said had caused some side effects.汉密尔顿一所学校的秘书,在失踪之前她总是觉得很沮丧,以此同时,她正在进行一种新的药物治疗,家人说这有一定的副作用。