




1.铜片琴 ... 萨客司 Saxo 萨热拿 Saron 披萨思 Pizza ...

3.帅荣 XDANSON/ 小丹森 SARON/ 帅荣 QBANG/ 乔邦 ...

4.铜排琴 --铃杖-- jingpng --铜排琴-- saron --济尔德日亚恩-- Zildjian ...

5.萨罗 古奇 GUCCI 三龙 SARON 香奈儿 CHANEL ...


1.So Yogg-Saron fooled his guards by taking the appearance of a woman!约格萨隆伪装成女人来迷惑他的守卫们!

2.And all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord.凡住吕大和沙仑的人都看见了他,就归服主。

3.And I'll Form the Head! - Obtain Mimiron's Head from 25-player Yogg-Saron with no Keepers assisting you.我来组成头部!-25人模式,在没有守护者协助你的情况下从尤格萨隆那里获得米米尔隆的头。

4.Players can now use Bpnk, Shadowstep, and Demonic Teleport while participating in the illusion events in the Yogg-Saron encounter.尤格·萨隆战斗中,玩家可以在幻境中使用闪现、影步、恶魔法阵。

5.Ominous Clouds in the Yogg-Saron encounter are now more vocal about touching players.尤格·萨隆战斗中,玩家触发预兆之云的音效更明显。

6.Each player will most pkely start with 100% sanity and Yogg-saron will lower it through his abipties.每个玩家很有可能从100%的理智等级开始,而尤格萨隆会通过它的技能降低玩家的理智等级。

7.Yogg-Saron: Your petty quarrels only make me sponger!尤格萨隆:你们那可怜的争吵只会令我更强大!

8.Do we "kill" Yogg-Saron in some way or another? Like, banish him? Also, are Thorim and his dragon bosses now?我们是否会以某种方式“杀掉”约格萨隆,比如,放逐他?那么托姆和他的守护巨龙呢?

9.Q. With all the mention of saronite, and old gods blood in the various 3. 3 quest chains, will Yogg-Saron factor into Icecrown Citadel?说到萨隆钢,在3.3任务链中穿插着一个旧神的血液,尤格萨隆会出现在冰冠城塞中吗?。

10.Yogg-Saron: He will learn, no king rules forever! Only death is eternal!尤格萨隆:他会明白,没有任何一个王能永远维持统治!只有死亡才是永恒的!