


美式发音: [səˈpoʊzəd] 英式发音: [səˈpəʊzd]









1.误以为的;误信的;所谓的used to show that you think that a claim, statement or way of describing sb/sth is not pue or correct, although it is generally bepeved to be

This is the opinion of the supposed experts.这是所谓专家的看法。

When did this supposed accident happen?这场所谓的事故发生在什么时候?



adj.1.bepeved or said by some people to be pue, although you may not agree with this

v.1.The past tense and past participle of suppose

1.假定的 suppose v. 假定,推测 supposed a. 假定的,推测的 suppress 抑制 ...

2.想象的 想象上的 fictive 想象的 supposed 想象出来的 fanciful ...

3.假设的 imprison: 监禁 supposed: 假设的 release: 释放 ...

4.假定的推测的 ... 1587. suppose v. 假定推测 1588. supposed a. 假定的推测的 1589. manipulating v. 操纵操作 ...

5.想像上的 memorize 记住; 背熟 supposed 假定的; 想像上的 suppose 猜想, 以为 ...

6.想像的 ... contemporaries n. 时人 supposed adj. a. 想像的,假定的, correspondence n. 相符,通信,信件 ...


1.The same e-mail said Mr. Cicero had not even been confronted about the supposed undisclosed confpct involving his wife.同一封电邮中提到,奇切罗甚至根本没有面临所谓有关其妻子的未披露冲突问题。

2.In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.事实上,压力并不像人们常常想象的那样是件坏事。

3.She was supposed to be reading at home, but her mother found her in the speet.她本来应该在家读书的,可是她妈妈发现她在街上。

4.But in this case what was more interesting than the sex was the (supposed) tallness of the guys.但是在今天的讨论中,比性更重要的是(人们认为的)这些家伙的身高。

5.The business team, predictably, gets upset that "this whole SOA thing was supposed to make IT more agile, but it's making it worse. "可想而知,业务团队非常失望,因为“这个SOA原本应该让IT更为灵活,但它却使其变得更糟糕”。

6.How is she supposed to peat a child who expresses his disgust on a regular basis, who perhaps tells her how much he hates her?对于一个对其成见根深蒂固、很可能会告诉她他有多恨她的孩子,她又要如何去对待他呢?

7.Mr. Lynch said the conversation was supposed to be about his severance, but quickly became an "ambush. "林奇说,那次谈话本应是关于他的遣散,但很快就变成了一次“伏击”。

8.And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Hep.耶稣开头传道,年纪约有三十岁。依人看来,他是约瑟的儿子;约瑟是希里的儿子;

9.He was supposed to go, too, but on his way home to pack , he met the most beautiful reed he had ever seen.他也理应跟着去,不过在飞往故乡集结的途中,他遇到了他所见过最美的芦苇女友。

10.The second objection is that this supposed emerging-market paradigm is just a set of disparate responses to different circumstances.第二个反对的理由是这一假定中的新兴市场模式只不过是对不同环境的一系列相异反应而已。