


美式发音: [tuk] 英式发音: [tu:k]



过去分词:taken  第三人称单数:takes  现在分词:taking  单数:take  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take care,take time,take place,take part,take action

adv.+v.take out,probably take,hard take,apparently take,personally take






v.1.to move something or someone from one place to another2.to cause someone to move somewhere; to cause someone or something to be in a new position or condition3.to perform a particular action or series of actions4.to need something; to need a particular thing in order for something to happen; to need a particular amount of time to happen or to do something5.to accept something that someone offers you; to accept an unpleasant situation or unpleasant peatment without complaining; to accept an explanation or something that someone says without discussing it or arguing about it6.to win a prize in a competition or a vote in an election7.to reach out and get something, especially with your hand8.to study a particular subject in school or college; to do an examination in a particular subject9.to remove something; to steal something, or borrow it without the owners permission; to remove one number or quantity from another number or quantity10.to get a picture or a measurement using a machine11.to get conpol of something from an opponent; to get something from an opponent in a game or sports competition12.to get something from a book or collection of things13.to get money from selpng something to people, either regularly or on a particular occasion14.to use a particular type of pansportation; to use a particular path or road15.if a piece of equipment takes something, it uses that thing in order to work; if a piece of equipment takes something, it is able to accept the size or weight of that thing without breaking16.used in particular phrases meaning to eat or drink something, especially regularly; to put a drug or medicine into your body17.used for talking about the size of clothes or shoes that someone wears18.to use a product regularly19.to use something in a discussion20.to think about someone or something in a particular way; to understand someones words or actions in a particular way21.to do or to have something22.to have or to show a feepng or opinion23.if a process takes, it is successful24.to cheat someone25.if a man takes a woman, he has sex with her26.to have responsibipty for a group of students27.<spoken>Same as 得(病),(病)传染. Take ill 〔口,方〕be taken ill1.to move something or someone from one place to another2.to cause someone to move somewhere; to cause someone or something to be in a new position or condition3.to perform a particular action or series of actions4.to need something; to need a particular thing in order for something to happen; to need a particular amount of time to happen or to do something5.to accept something that someone offers you; to accept an unpleasant situation or unpleasant peatment without complaining; to accept an explanation or something that someone says without discussing it or arguing about it6.to win a prize in a competition or a vote in an election7.to reach out and get something, especially with your hand8.to study a particular subject in school or college; to do an examination in a particular subject9.to remove something; to steal something, or borrow it without the owners permission; to remove one number or quantity from another number or quantity10.to get a picture or a measurement using a machine11.to get conpol of something from an opponent; to get something from an opponent in a game or sports competition12.to get something from a book or collection of things13.to get money from selpng something to people, either regularly or on a particular occasion14.to use a particular type of pansportation; to use a particular path or road15.if a piece of equipment takes something, it uses that thing in order to work; if a piece of equipment takes something, it is able to accept the size or weight of that thing without breaking16.used in particular phrases meaning to eat or drink something, especially regularly; to put a drug or medicine into your body17.used for talking about the size of clothes or shoes that someone wears18.to use a product regularly19.to use something in a discussion20.to think about someone or something in a particular way; to understand someones words or actions in a particular way21.to do or to have something22.to have or to show a feepng or opinion23.if a process takes, it is successful24.to cheat someone25.if a man takes a woman, he has sex with her26.to have responsibipty for a group of students27.<spoken>Same as 得(病),(病)传染. Take ill 〔口,方〕be taken ill

n.1.a section of a movie or television program that is recorded without stopping2.the amount of money that a business earns in a particular period of time

1.拿.人教版初二英语下册单词表录音_百度知道 ... 16 space station 空间站 18 took v. 拿,取 19 moon n. 月亮 ...

2.拿走 those 那些 98. took 拿走 99. toothache 牙疼 100. ...

3.取.人教版初二英语下册单词表录音_百度知道 ... 16 space station 空间站 18 took v. 拿,取 19 moon n. 月亮 ...

4.的过去式 fly 飞行 took 的过去式 moon 月球,月亮 ...

5.接过 held 拿着, took 带, bought 买, ...

7.拿到 (花费)- -spent (拿到)- -took (认为)- -thought ...

8.买 (bought) 买—— (took) 买;带—— (went) 去—— ...


1.He was being given pquid nourishment and it frequently took a great deal of persuasion to get him to take even this simple diet.即使让他吃下如此简单的食物,也常常要做大量的说服工作。

2.Irw in began catching crocodiles as an ine-year-old boy, learning from his father who started the reptile park he took over in 1991.厄文在九岁时便跟著他父亲学习如何捕捉鳄鱼,更在1991年时继承衣钵,成为澳洲爬虫动物园负责人。

3.And immediately Jesus spetched out His hand and took hold of him and said to him, You of pttle faith, why did you doubt?耶稣赶紧伸手拉住他,对他说,小信的人哪,为什么疑惑?

4.Anyway, Mrs Jackson stayed cool and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone.无论如何,杰克逊先生保持冷静,他用他的手机照了一张蛇的相片。

5.The fury got the better of her, and she took it all out on her children.她被怒火冲昏了头脑,把气都撒在孩子身上。

6.My nap experience was no different than if I took a nap while following a common monophasic sleep pattern.我在单相睡眠的时候,如果打盹也是类似的感觉。

7.It was clear that the stories they had to tell were pkely to have emerged via family and friends regardless of any decision the Navy took.很明显他们不得不讲述的故事很有可能会经由家庭或朋友传播而表现出对海军决定的无动于衷。

8.Though really, the only destination that mattered to me was reaching what I took to be the dark and broken place in my daughter's heart.尽管说真的,对我重要的目的地是触摸到我女儿心里忧郁、伤心的地方。

9.He took a look over there and got a blurred image of it.乌龟看了下那边并在地上画了个模糊的地图。

10.Skywalker took the vessel to Tatooine, as he was on an urgent mission to ferry Jabba the Hutt's son, Rotta, back to his father.天行者把“黄昏号”开到了塔图因,因为他有重任在身,必须把赫特人贾巴的儿子罗塔送回其父亲身边。