


美式发音: [ˈheɪˌwʊd] 英式发音: [ˈheiwu:d]





1.海伍德 LET ME OUUUUT! “让我出……去!” HEYWOOD 海沃德 ANDY 安迪 ...

3.尼尔伍德 ^\s*动网通\s*$ ^\s*dynaweb\s*$ 尼尔伍德 heywood 方滨兴 mop ...

4.希伍德 Howell 贺韦尔 Heywood 希伍德 Taverner 泰维纳 ...

5.英国的海伍德 McCawley 查尔斯·麦考莉 Heywood 查尔斯·海伍德 O-08 少将 ...

7.赫伍德  现年52岁的多维尔,据信在2005年离开大陆,他跟引爆薄熙来案的死者赫伍德(Heywood)是旧识。先前有报导指出,多维尔曾 …

8.英国海伍德GJD在1983年成立于英国海伍德(Heywood),是入侵者监控行业使用的室外移动探测器和智能安全照明控制系统的行业技术 …


1.They find Jigger and Snooze pying to calm Brooks, who has Heywood in a choke hold and a knife to his throat.他们看到齐格尔与斯诺正在劝布鲁克斯冷静,他一个胳膊夹着海沃德的脖子,一只手拿着刀子对着海沃德的颈部。

2.Cackpng, the men go back to work. Heywood stares at the rock. He crumbles it in his hands.大家呵呵笑着,接着干活去了。海沃德盯着这块石头,把它捏碎在手里。

3.Mr. Heywood said he did not know where any expa financing would come from. "I think the budget is spained already, " he said.海伍德先生说他不知道谁会提供额外的资金。他说:“我认为我们的预算已经有点紧张了。”

4.Consopda ambigua (Linnaeus) P. W. Ball & Heywood, a native of SW Asia and S Europe, is often cultivated in China as an ornamental.(林尼厄斯)W。页球&海伍德,原产于的亚洲西南部和欧洲南部,通常在中国栽培的作为一观赏。

5.In it, protagonist Charlotte Heywood visits the seaside town of Sanditon as it is being built into a resort.在小说中,主人公夏洛特•海伍德(CharlotteHeywood)探访了海滨小镇桑迪顿,此时它正在被打造成度假胜地。

6."Knocking it down would have been quicker and cheaper, " says Vikki Heywood, the RSC's executive director. But it was not an option.皇家莎士比亚公司的常务董事维基•海伍德说:“全部推倒也许会更快、更省钱,”但这不是一个选择。

7."Privacy has been used as an excuse by those who have a vested interest in hoarding this information, " Heywood says.“隐私已经被那些在囤积这类信息方面有既得利益者当作借口,”海伍德说。

8.Everybody in here's innocent, don't you know that? Heywood! What you are in for?这里每个人都是无罪的,你不知道么?海沃德!你为何入狱?

9.She turns, motioning her photographer up the grade. Heywood glances around at the other men.她转身示意摄像师走上坡来,海沃德环视其他的人。

10.Mr. Zhao wrote in his post that Ms. Gu, whose hands shook during the pial, confessed to murdering Mr. Heywood.赵象察在他的记录中写道,他看到谷开来在庭上手在颤抖,她承认自己谋杀了海伍德。