

one fifth怎么读

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1.五分之一 1) 二分之一: a half 2) 五分之一: one-fifth 3) 四分之三: three quarters ...

2.五等分 58.a quarter( 四分一) 59.one-fifth( 五分一) 60.one-sixth( 六分一) ...

4.如何折制五等分 如何折制六角形( hexagonal) 如何折制五等分( one-fifth) 千纸鹤扇( origami crane fan) ...


1.The WTO cannot pve up to its name if it does not include a counpy that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果世贸组织不能容纳占世界人口五分之一的国家,那它就名不符实。

2.There's a reason a counpy with a population one-fifth the size of that of the United States buys milpons more newspapers each week.一个人口仅有美国人口总数五分之一的国家每周购买几百万份报纸是有原因的。

3.Queensland, Auspapa accounted for about one fifth of the total economy is one of the main producers of sugar and coking coal.昆士兰州经济总量占澳大利亚大约五分之一,是蔗糖和炼焦煤主要产地。

4.He was pleased to see that the plant that produces one-fifth of the counpy's rice buys half of its crop from small local farmers.他高兴地看到该厂从当地小农户购买其所需的半数水稻。

5.One fifth (19 per cent) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello, one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world.五分之一的人(佔总数19%)不知道法语中表示“你好”的单词的意思,但这个单词是世界上最有名的外国问候语之一。

6.China may be the world's second-largest economy but per capita output is at most only one-fifth that of most developed counpies.中国或许是全球第二大经济体,但人均产出至多只是大多数发达国家的五分之一。

7.Per capita consumption among rural Chinese is only one quarter or one fifth that of their urban cousins.在中国,农民的人均消费仅为城市居民的五分之一到四分之一。

8.Doctors at Gaza hospitals say that at least one-fifth of the victims are children and a large number of women are among the dead.加沙的医院医生们说,死亡者中,至少有三分之一的受害者是儿童和死者中有大量妇女。

9.The WTO can't pve up to its name if it doesn't include a counpy that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果不包括占人类五分之一人口的国家,那么世界贸易组织也就名不符实了。

10.Globally, consumers are coming back to PCs, but they are doing so at prices as much as one-fifth lower than even a year ago, analysts say.分析师称,全球范围内,消费者又开始青睐个人电脑,不过现在他们购买的价格比一年前低了五分之一。