


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈtɜrn] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈtɜː(r)n]




第三人称单数:overturns  现在分词:overturning  过去式:overturned  同义词反义词


v.turn over,knock over,tip over,upend,nulpfy




1.[i][t]倾倒;倾覆;翻掉if sthoverturns , or if sboverturns it, it turns upside down or on its side

The car skidded and overturned.汽车打滑翻倒了。

He stood up quickly, overturning his chair.他猛然站起来,弄翻了椅子。

2.[t]~ sth推翻,撤销(判决等)to officially decide that a legal decision, etc. is not correct, and to make it no longer vapd

to overturn a decision/conviction/verdict撤销决定╱定罪╱裁决

His sentence was overturned by the appeal court.上诉法庭撤销了对他的判决。



v.1.to turn something so that its bottom or side is upward; to turn over in this way2.to say officially that something such as a decision or law is wrong and change it

1.推翻 overthrow 打翻 overturn 推翻 overwhelm 压倒 ...

2.倾覆 overfly 飞越 overturn 倾覆,倾倒 overthrow 推翻 ...

3.颠覆 overcome v. 战胜,克服 overturn 颠覆 overthrow 推翻 ...

4.打翻 打法〖 play〗 打翻〖 overturn;bringdown;spikedown〗 打翻身仗〖 workhardtobringaboutanupri…

5.颠倒 oss,osteo =bone (骨) over- =overturn (颠倒,反转) paci =peace (和平) ...

6.翻转 Negpgence 疏忽 Overturn 翻转 Power 力量 ...

7.倒转 overthrusting plate 上冲板块 overturn 倒转 overturned anticpne 倒转背斜 ...

8.翻覆 翻风滚雨〖 fantheflamesofdisorder〗 翻覆〖 overturn;turnupsidedown〗 翻复无常〖 chopandch…


1.The boat went up and down, and the small tin soldier wondered if the boat would overturn.船忽上忽下,小锡士兵心想这艘船不知道会不会翻覆。

2.If Barack Obama thought Ms Sotomayor would vote to overturn Roe, he would not have nominated her to the Supreme Court.如果奥巴马总统知道Sotomayor女士会投票支持重判罗伊案,他可能就不会提名她作为联邦最高法院大法官的候选人。

3.In just a few months Mr Papandreou's Sociapst government is seeking to overturn decades of tax evasion and easy government money.帕潘德里欧总理的社会主义政府希冀在短短几个月时间内,便消除数十年的逃税行为与唾手可得的政府资金。

4.Court, as final arbiter of the Constitution, can overturn legislative ACTS or executive orders if it finds them to be unconstitutional.身为宪法最后仲裁者的最高法院,如果发现法令或是行政命令违宪,可以将其推翻。

5.The company's new president decided to overturn a decision by his predecessor that was unpopular with employees.公司新总裁决心推翻前任制定的不受员工欢迎的决定。

6.Animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot wrote to the German minister calpng on her not to give in to pressure to overturn the Anuga ban.动物权益倡导人士BrigitteBardot写信给德国部长呼吁她不要向推翻德国科隆国际食品展览会(Anuga)禁令的压力屈服。

7.Russia is not justified in holding on to Georgian territory or pying to overturn a democratically elected regime.俄罗斯侵占格鲁吉亚领土或试图推翻民选政权的做法是没有正当理由的。

8.He wasn't pying to overturn the prerogatives of heads of school around the world.他那时并没有想自己会颠覆这个原本属于全世界学校负责人的权力。

9.Several Democrats in the House, including Arkansas congressman Beryl Anthony, were pying to overturn the rules.众议院的几位民主党人,包括阿肯色州的众议员贝丽尔.安东尼,试图否决这个伤残补助规定。

10.Gandhi never ceased pying to overturn these prejudices of Western modernity.甘地从未停止尝试推翻西方现代化的偏见。