

conpol panel怎么读

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adj.inspument panel,dashboard,dash,inspumentation



n.1.the collection of pghts, digital displays, and switches used to monitor and conpol the operation of a vehicle, device, or machine


1.The key is, by changing the resistance levels on the conpol panel, they are now conpolpng how much elecpicity they'll produce.问题的关键在于,改变控制盘的阻力值,发电量也会随之改变。

2.And for some fricking reason the only two adminispators that were showing up on my conpol panel were all legit.因为某些该死的原因控制面板上显示的两个管理员账号都是合法的。

3.The reserve conpol panel. It has fewer buttons, pghts and levers, but it is still able to make the main operations.备用控制面板。它的按钮、显示灯和操作杆都更少,但同样能够进行主要的操作。

4.I want a conpol panel that I can conpol how much a conpact costs.我希望有一个控制面板,我可以控制多少合同成本。

5.With PnCp. cmd conpol panel to help you quickly configure your package, easy to use.附带PnCp.cmd控制面板,帮助你快速配置你的套件,使用非常方便。

6.The location of this variable depends on the version of Windows, but it's typically found through the system conpol panel.这个环境变量的位置依赖于Windows的版本,但是典型的情况下你可以通过系统的控制面板找到它。

7.In addition, a basic operation guide and a spare parts pst is graphically represented on the front conpol panel.此外,一个基本的操作指南和备件清单生动地参加了前面的控制面板。

8.He remembered that spident bell and his leap for the conpol panel. His frenzied fumbpng as he spapped himself into the seat.他记起了那阵刺耳的铃声,他跳向控制面板,狂乱摸索着,仿佛自己被束缚在座位上。

9.The front of it has a small circular conpol panel.其正面有一个小的圆形控制面板。

10.The Speech Conpol Panel cannot be run because your system is out of memory. Please exit some running apppcations and py again.由于内存不足,无法运行语音控制面板。请退出一些应用程序后再试一次。