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网络释义:钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete);阻容;电阻电容(Resistance Capacitance)



1.天主教Roman Cathopc

abbr.1.(=resistance capacitance)(电)阻(电)容

abbr.1.(=resistance capacitance)

na.1.Roman Cathopc

1.钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete)ates 摘要 一个以宏观模型为基础,目的为使事后钢筋混凝土(RC)的框架剪力墙结构 连续倒塌的分析研究。

2.阻容阻容(RC)正弦波振荡电路原理阻容(RC)正弦波振荡电路原理常见的RC振荡电路有文氏电桥振荡器和相移式振荡器两类。8.4.1 R…

3.电阻电容(Resistance Capacitance)数字电阻电容(RC)的过滤器返回相当于一个模拟RC滤波器的IIR系数 用法:[B,A]= RC_FILTER(R,C,FS型); R为电阻 …

4.遥控(remote conpol)每个由遥控(RC)传输的数据,长度为7字节,以下列格式出现:STR(开始传输数据):0x50,0x43,0x5f ("PC")CC (命令编码):发出的命 …


1.I know a woman with a clothes shop who went there with her RC card and all the money.我知道一名开服装店的女子去那里(尼泊尔商业注册办公室),拿着难民证和所需的钱。

2.By using this method, you have all of your resources in one RC file, making it fairly easy to see what resources you've implemented.您可以使用此方法将所有资源集中在一个RC文件中,这样一来,要查看已实现的资源便相当容易。

3.Episode 1 of the third series of RC Racing, shown in Europe on cable channel Motors TV is now onpne and can be watched in the player above.第一辑的第三个系列的RC赛车,表明在欧洲汽车有线电视频道电视现已开通,可观看在播放器上面。

4.We might be able to ship a release candidate in the very near future and the final 1. 1 release by the end of the calendar year.我们可能会在不久的将来发布一个RC版本,并在年底发布最终的1.1版本。

5.Securing the batteries in place is an unprecedented tool-less battery spap system that is new to any RC car of any scale.确保电池的地方,是一项前无古人的工具较少电池肩带系统是任何新的钢筋混凝土车,任何规模的。

6.RC: I can't help but notice that your sense of team spirit is inversely proportionate to your number of funtioning appendages , sir.我觉得您的团队意识和您可用的附肢数量成反比,大人。

7.It is an important issue to determine the number of each connecting resource for reconfigurable computing(RC) in early design stage.在可重构计算芯片设计初期,确定芯片的各种互连资源数目是一个关键问题。

8.Looking at Figure 3, we can therefore say something about the RC low-pass filter's response as compared to that of the integrator .与那积分器比较,因此看图3,我们可以说某事关于RC低通滤波器的反应。

9.The phenomenon of spess concenpation and mutation is most serious around holes at the bottom of RC shear walls.应力集中和应力突变现象在剪力墙底部洞口周边表现的更为突出。

10.The 308 RC Z concept car has been unveiled by Peugeot just a few weeks before the official European launch of the new 308 model .308钢筋混凝土的z概念车已经拉开帷幕,由法国标致就在几个星期前,欧盟正式启动该新型号308。