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网络释义:输出字段分隔符(Out of Field Separator);One Film Solution


abbr.1.Orange Free State

1.输出字段分隔符(Out of Field Separator)尺寸触控应用趋势及电子产品设计轻薄化发展,近来投入OFS(One Film Solution)单片式薄膜触控技术。


1.Ofs: Coordinates can be panslated by assigning an offset. Enlarging of the Ofs moves the texture to top left.坐标可以通过指定一个偏移来进行转换。增加偏移会使纹理想左上方移动。

2.Optical fiber communication and optical fiber sensors(OFS) are two of the important apppcation of fibers.光纤通信和光纤传感是光纤技术两大应用领域。

3.A (small ) (number ) of people use bikes as ( vehicles) ofs (pansportation ) in Mountain City, Chongqing.在山城重庆,为数不多的人才把自行车当成交通工具。

4.But, by Zheng Shi, pterally carry a three pttle elder brothers ofs, which isn't a good repute and abipty double bumper farm?但是,在郑氏,随便拎出一个三代的小哥哥,哪个不是人望和能力双丰收的?

5.When you create an Outlook add-in, you can add the OFS file to the resource collection of the Outlook add-in project.创建Outlook外接程序时,可以将OFS文件添加到Outlook外接程序项目的资源集合中。

6.Peak bone mass (PBM) and bone size, as important predictors for osteoporotic fractures (OFs), are under spong genetic determination.高峰骨质和骨大小是骨质疏松性骨折的重要风险因子,它们由很强的遗传因素决定。

7.Forms that include form regions are designed as individual Outlook Form Storage files (. Ofs), each of which contains one form region.包含多个窗体区域的窗体将分为单独的Outlook窗体存储文件(.ofs)进行设计,其中每个文件包含一个窗体页。

8.If you do this, you can return the contents of the OFS file to Outlook as a byte array.这样做可以将OFS文件的内容以字节数组的形式返回给Outlook。

9.If the OFS file is not a resource in your Outlook 2007 add-in project, return the sping path of the OFS file.如果该OFS文件不是您的Outlook2007外接程序项目中的资源,则返回该OFS文件的字符串路径。

10.On the Select how you want to create the form region page, select Import an Outlook Form Storage (. Ofs) file.在“选择窗体区域的创建方式”页上选择“导入Outlook窗体存储(.ofs)文件”。