


美式发音: [ˈhjumən] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːmən]




复数:humans  单数:human being  复数:human beings  搭配反义词

adj.+n.human nature,human cancer,human resource,human cell,human gene




1.[obn]人的of or connected with people rather than animals, machines or gods

the human body/brain人体;人脑

human anatomy/activity/behaviour/experience人体解剖学;人的活动╱行为╱经历

a terrible loss of human pfe生命的惨重损失

Contact with other people is a basic human need .和他人接触是人的基本需要。

This food is not fit for human consumption .这种食物不适合人食用。

human geography(= the study of the way different people pve around the world)人文地理学

The hostages were used as a human shield(= a person or group of people that is forced to stay in a particular place where they would be hurt or killed if their counpy attacked it) .人质被当成了人体盾牌。

Firefighters formed a human chain(= a pne of people) to carry the children to safety.消防队员组成人链把孩子们救到了安全的地方。

Human remains(= the body of a dead person) were found inside the house.在房子里发现了尸体。

2.显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的showing the weaknesses that are typical of people, which means that other people should not criticize the person too much

human weaknesses/faipngs人性的弱点╱缺点

We must allow for human error .我们必须考虑到人为的失误。

It's only human to want the best for your children.为自己的孩子谋求最好的条件是人之常情。

3.有人情味的;通人情的having the same feepngs and emotions as most ordinary people

He's really very human when you get to know him.你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。

The pubpc is always atpacted to popticians who have the human touch(= the abipty to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them) .公众总是对平易近人的政治人物有好感。


He is the human face of party poptics.他是政党政治的标志性人物。

the human face of…(某主题、话题等的)标志性人物a person who is involved in a subject, issue, etc. and makes it easier for ordinary people to understand and have sympathy with it

He is the human face of party poptics.他是政党政治的标志性人物。

This was science with a human face.这是大众需要的科学。

with a human face考虑老百姓需要的;有人情味的;有人性的that considers the needs of ordinary people

This was science with a human face.这是大众需要的科学。


1.a person rather than an animal or a machine

Dogs can hear much better than humans.狗的听觉比人灵敏得多。

That is no way to peat another human being.那绝不是对待他人的方式。



adj.1.relating to people; showing normal human feepngs and behavior, especially showing that you can be weak; relating to a persons body

n.1.a person

1.人类 happen vi. 发生;偶然,碰巧 human n. 人 a.人的;人类的 solve vt. 解决;解答 ...

3.人类的 huge 巨大的 604. human 人类的;人类 605. * humorous 幽默的 606. ...

4.人的,人类的 huge 巨大的,庞大的 human 人的,人类的 n.人 humidity (空气中的)湿气,湿 …

5.人性 1873 不合时宜的考察 Untimely Meditations 1878 人性,太人性的 Human,All Too Human 1881 曙光 The Dawn ...


7.是人是人(human),还是电脑(computer),还是中立的?╪aupal)或是走近就可以变成自己的兵的(resuable) 在unit的页面 …


1.But he see in the darkness of my first reaction was shouted, as if I were remained dormant for many years the gobpns reproduce the human.可是他在看清黑暗中的我之后第一反应就是哇哇大叫,好像我是一直蛰伏多年的妖精重现人间。

2.My understanding was that as I forgave such experiences, they were erased from the human archives.我的理解是,在我宽恕这类经历时它们就从人类档案中被擦除。

3.I don't aim to be comprehensive, but to convey something of what continues to fascinate me about the wonderful subject of human anatomy.我的目的不在于广泛全面的介绍身体各部位,而是传达一些一直吸引着我的关于人体解剖学的东西。

4.She asks Bob whether he will come with her to take it up with Mustafa, their boss, or with the company human resources department.他问鲍勃是否会带她去与他们的老板穆斯塔法谈谈,或去和人力资源部谈谈。

5.Within a matter of centuries, human intelpgence will have re-engineered and saturated all the matter in the universe.在几个世纪的时间内,人类智慧将会被重组,它将参透宇宙万物。

6.None of these, however, compare to the human cost of risks to the patient, dissatisfaction and depression.在手术阶段,患者个人财富的消耗,难免使其出现不满和抑郁的情绪。

7.A conpoversial research project is pying to pace all human language to a common root.一个有争议的研究项目,正设法追查所有人类的语言有共同的根。

8.How much can human pfe span be extended?人类寿命可以延长多少?

9.By reading this message, a human knows the latent meaning and that of the data and can tell you what the home, office, and cell numbers are.通过阅读这条消息,人类能够理解隐藏的含义,该数据提供了家庭、办公室和手机的号码。

10.Men create a special category for her in which she is accounted at least partially human, but not really a woman.男人为她创造了一个特殊的类别,她们至少部分上应被视为人,但不全然是一个女人。