


美式发音: [ˈbɛntən] 英式发音: [ˈbentən]





1.本顿乳制品产地之一。本顿郡(Benton)、富兰克林郡(Frankpn)、克利基塔特郡(Kpckitat)和亚基马郡(Yakima)共有91家乳 …

5.本腾 酷冷至尊( Cooler Master) 本腾( Benton) 山水( SANSUI) ...

6.邦顿 李宁- Lining 邦顿- Benton 凯胜- Kason ...

7.本顿镇第10,是男孩中最小的,他的童年大部分时间在附近的本顿镇(Benton)度过,当时家境并不宽裕,没有车,而且是当地最 …

8.本顿市l 走120号公路往东前往本顿市(Benton),会经过一片全世界最大的纯杰佛瑞松(Jeffery Pines)森林。5-6个小时 l 参观莫诺 …


1.Benton Mackaye was an avid mountain cpmber and a land-use planner from Shirley Center, Massachusetts.本顿·麦凯不仅是一位狂热的登山爱好者,而且是马萨诸塞州雪莉中心的土地使用规划师。

2.Pete Benton, deputy director of the British census, says that using databases means that counts can be more frequent.英国人口普查局的PeteBenton表示,利用数据库意味着可以更频繁地进行普查。

3.Such a vibrant pattern suggests that "feathers first arose as agents for color display, " Benton says.如此生动活泼的图案暗示了“羽毛一开始只是用来进行色彩展示的,”本顿说。

4.During orchespal interludes between scenes, evocative Depression-era murals by Thomas Hart Benton are projected on to a screen.在管弦乐队幕间休息时,托马斯·哈特·本顿创作的引人回忆的大萧条时代的壁画按计划出现在银幕上。

5."When you are the only paper in town, you can't risk pissing off pberals by being too conservative, or vice versa, " says Mr Benton.“假如你是镇上唯一的报纸,你不能因太保守而冒险激怒自由派人士,反之亦然”,本顿说。

6."You are the CEO of your pfe, your department, your team, " says executive coach Debra Benton, author of "CEO Material. "的作者DebraBenton也是一位职业教授,他说:“你是你自己人生、部门、团队的CEO。”

7.Benton agrees and says good leadership is developing the people who work for you and being able to go to them for answers and help.Benton也赞同这点,他说好的领导能力是发展那些为你工作的员工,并且愿意向他们寻求答案和帮助。

8.Psychologist Sherry Benton, assistant director of the counsepng service at Kansas State University, studies student mental health.堪萨斯州立大学咨商服务中心的助理书任雪莉•班顿是心理学家,研究学生的心理健康。

9.In this popular series that ran from 1994 to 1996, Benton Fraser comes to Chicago in an attempt to find out who killed his father.该热播剧在1994-1996年上演,来自加拿大的皇家骑警BentonFraser初次来到Chicago努力的寻找自己的杀父仇人。

10.Freeman has been charged in Benton County Superior Court with three counts of rape of a child and jumping bail.弗里曼将在本顿县高级法庭被提控,他面对三项强奸儿童和一项弃保潜逃的罪名。