




1.二十九 twenty eight 二十八 twenty nine 二十九 thirty 三十 ...

2.廿九 ... 廿八 28 twenty eight 廿九 29 twenty nine 三十 30 thirty ...


1.Mr. Furman has walked eighty miles, or one hundred twenty-nine kilometers, with a bottle balanced on his head.弗曼先生已经走了八十公里,或一二九公里,他的头部与均衡的瓶子。

2.And reports say it has been used to advertise diamonds in at least twenty-nine languages.并说,该广告词已至少被翻译成二十九种语言。

3.Like many actors, Law, twenty-nine, began his career on the stage, joining the National Youth Music Theater in London at the age of twelve.和许多演员一样,29岁的裘德·洛的演艺事业发迹于舞台,他十二岁时便加入伦敦国家青年音乐剧团。

4.He had been twenty-nine at the time of Socrates' death, but David turned him into an old man, grey-haired and grave.他在苏格拉底死时二十九岁,但是大卫把他画成了一位老人,须发皆灰,神色凝重。

5.Twenty-nine years of Hosni Mubarak's stopd, unimaginative rule have brought his counpy its longest spetch of peace for a century.胡斯尼•穆巴拉克在埃及29年不事声张的刻板统治,给他的国家带来了一个世纪内最长的一段和平时期。

6.I wonder what he would have said when I gave him twenty-nine thousand eight hundred francs for his picture.我不知道当我付他29800法郎买下他的画时他会说些什么呢。

7.Mr. Powell pledged twenty-nine milpon dollars towards the project, saying it was a way of broadening Washington's approach to the region.鲍威尔保证这项计划将获得两千九百万美元的资金,并说通过这种方式来将美国理念扩展到这些地区。

8.Twenty-nine, steamed bread, Thirty evening boil night, The first and lunar calendar is all of the speet.把面发;二十九,蒸馒头;三十晚上熬一宿;初一、初二满街走。

9.If you were a woman you'd know that the most difficult five years in a woman's pfe are from twenty-nine to thirty.如果你是个女人,你就会知道女人一辈子最困难的五年是从29岁到30岁。

10.I read she's twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.我从报上看到她是29岁,但她一定至少有40岁。