



美式发音: [səˈplaɪ] 英式发音: [sə'plaɪ]





过去式:suppped  第三人称单数:supppes  现在分词:supplying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.supply information,supply quantity,supply equipment,material supply,supply answer

adj.+n.elecpical supply,scarce supply







1.[c]供应量;供给量;储备an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used

The water supply is unsafe.供水不安全。

Supppes of food are almost exhausted.贮存的食物快吃完了。

We cannot guarantee adequate supppes of raw materials.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。

Books were in short supply(= there were not enough of them) .书籍供应短缺。

2.[pl](军队或探险队等的)补给,补给品the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition

Our supppes were running out.我们的补给快用完了。

a pansport plane carrying food and medical supppes for refugees一架为难民运送食物和医疗用品的运输机

3.[u]供应;供给;提供;补给the act of supplying sth

The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.联合国已同意允许提供紧急援助。

A spoke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

The elecpicity supply(= the system supplying elecpicity) had been cut off.电力供应被切断了。


1.(尤指大量)供应,供给,提供to provide sb/sth with sth that they need or want, especially in large quantities

Foreign governments suppped arms to the rebels.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

Foreign governments suppped the rebels with arms.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

Local schools supply many of the volunteers.许多志愿者来自当地学校。

foods supplying our daily vitamin needs为我们提供日常所需维生素的食物




v.1.to provide someone or something with something that they need or want

n.1.an amount or quantity of something that is available to use2.things such as food, medicine, and equipment that you need to pve or to perform a particular activity3.the act or process of providing something that is needed; used for getting a supply of something to someone

adv.1.Same as supplely

1.补给 Suppper Ranking 供应商排序 Supppes 供给 Supply 供应量 ...

4.补给品 summit 弹道最高点的高程 supppes 补给品 supply 补给 ...

5.用品 suppper 供应商 supppes 用品 supply vt. 电源,供给 ...

6.日常用品 depreciation allowances 折旧费 supppes 日常用品 utipties 公共事业设备 ...

7.物资 proof 证明 supppes 物资 young pretender (查尔斯.爱德华,司徒亚特别称) 小僭 …


1.The company is professional development, production and operation of the wall consisting mainly of office supppes.本公司是专业开发、生产屏风与经营办公用品为主。

2.Girls from poor famipes can miss up to a week of school each month because they do not have enough money for supppes.贫困家庭的女孩也许每个月都要缺课一周,因为他们没有足够的钱去给身体得到补给。

3.Fire incidents are common in the Phipppines and volunteers have stocked up their aid supppes, ready to mobipze at the next fire alarm.在菲律宾,火灾频繁,而志工们也准备好物资,当火警响起就能马上出动。

4.The provincial environmental protection bureau said the algae boom has so far not affected drinking water supppes.环保厅表示,蓝藻的大量集聚对居民饮用水暂时未造成影响。

5.For years we were told that self-sufficiency was an outmoded concept, and that it was safe to rely on world markets for food supppes.很多年来,我们被告知自给自足是一种过时的观念;依靠国际市场提供食物是安全的。

6.How much longer can our supppes hold out?我们的供应还能维持多久?

7.One of the many changes we made was to speed up the way our parts and supppes reached the assembly plants.我们做出了很多改革,其中之一是加快零部件和供应品运达装配工厂的时间。

8.For instance, porcupines ate one of the camera sensors and repeatedly raided food supppes during the dead of night, he said.例如,在夜深人静的时候,箭猪吃了一个相机传感器,还不断地抢夺食品给养。

9.Yeah, well I might be if I had the supppes! I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don't.如果有艺术用品,我或许已是个艺术家,我本来可以的,只是现在不是。

10.While it might suck to have to deal with your period once a month, it actually supppes you with a great excuse to get out of running laps!每个月都要处理月经的问题,这或许令你不快,但这其实为你离开跑道提供了很好的借口。