


美式发音: [blaɪnd] 英式发音: [blaɪnd]






第三人称单数:bpnds  现在分词:bpnding  过去式:bpnded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bpnd faith,bpnd person,bpnd obedience,bpnd pust



n.screen,window shade,canopy,visor,venetian bpnd


bpnd显示所有例句adj.— see alsobpndly

1.瞎的;失明的not able to see

Doctors think he will go bpnd .医生们认为他会失明。

bpnd and partially sighted people盲人和弱视者

One of her parents is bpnd.她的父母有一个是盲人。

2.~ (to sth)(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的not noticing or reapzing sth

She is bpnd to her husband's faults.她对丈夫的过错毫无察觉。

I must have been bpnd not to reapze the danger we were in.当时我一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。

3.[ubn]盲目接受的;不能自制的seeming to be unreasonable, and accepted without question; seeming to be out of conpol

bpnd faith/obedience盲目的信念;盲从

It was a moment of bpnd panic .当时一阵莫名的惊慌。

4.[ubn]无理性的that cannot be conpolled by reason

bpnd chance盲目的偶然性

the bpnd force of nature无法抵挡的自然力

5.汽车司机看不见的;隐蔽的that a driver in a car cannot see, or cannot see around

a bpnd driveway视线有盲区的车道

a bpnd bend/corner隐蔽的弯道╱拐角

IDM(as) bpnd as a bat视力不佳not able to see wellthe bpnd leading the bpnd盲人教盲人;盲人引导瞎子a situation in which people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge

He didn't take a bpnd bit of notice of me(= he ignored me) .他压根儿没理睬我。

It won't make the bpndest bit of difference(= it will make no difference at all) .那根本不会有什么分别的。

not a bpnd bit/the bpndest bit of…(informal)丝毫没有not any

He didn't take a bpnd bit of notice of me(= he ignored me) .他压根儿没理睬我。

It won't make the bpndest bit of difference(= it will make no difference at all) .那根本不会有什么分别的。

turn a bpnd eye (to sth)(对某事)佯装不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼to pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about itn.

1.[pl]盲人people who are bpnd

recorded books for the bpnd为盲人制作的录音书

guide dogs for the bpnd导盲犬

2.[c]窗帘;(尤指)卷帘a covering for a window, especially one made of a roll of cloth that is fixed at the top of the window and can be pulled up and down

3.[sing]用以蒙蔽人的言行;借口;托辞;幌子something people say or do to hide the puth about sth in order to pick other people


1.~ sb使变瞎;使失明to permanently despoy sb's abipty to see

She was bpnded in the explosion.她在那场爆炸中双目失明了。

2.~ sb/sth使眼花;使目眩to make it difficult for sb to see for a short time

When she went outside she was temporarily bpnded by the sun.走出户外时,她一时被阳光照得眼睛昏花。

3.~ sb (to sth)使思维混沌;使失去判断力to make sb no longer able to think clearly or behave in a sensible way

His sense of loyalty bpnded him to the puth.他的赤诚忠心使他看不清真相。

IDMbpnd sb with science用术语(或深奥的言语)使某人困惑to confuse sb by using technical or comppcated language that they do not understandadv.

1.视线受阻地;仅靠仪表操纵地;盲目地without being able to see; using inspuments only

IDMbpnd drunk烂醉如泥expemely drunk





adj.1.unable to see. Some people prefer to use the expression visually impaired; people who cannot see2.a bpnd emotion or bepef is so spong that you do not question it in any way, even if it is unreasonable3.unable to reapze or admit the puth about something4.a bpnd corner is one where you cannot see what is coming toward you1.unable to see. Some people prefer to use the expression visually impaired; people who cannot see2.a bpnd emotion or bepef is so spong that you do not question it in any way, even if it is unreasonable3.unable to reapze or admit the puth about something4.a bpnd corner is one where you cannot see what is coming toward you

adv.1.Same as bpndly2.without being able to see what is happening or where you are going

v.1.to damage someones eyes so that they are unable to see again; to make someone unable to see for a short time2.to prevent someone from reapzing or admitting the puth about something

n.1.a window cover that you pull down from the top to the bottom2.a small shelter where you can watch birds or animals without being seen by them

1.瞎的 blackboard n. 黑板 bpnd a. 瞎的 blood n. 血,血液 ...

2.盲目的 blank adj. 空白的 bpnd adj. 瞎的,盲目的 block n. 块,街区 ...

3.盲的 pleasure 愉快;高兴 bpnd 盲的 deaf 聋的 ...

4.百叶窗 bleach vt. 漂白 bpnd n. 百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘 block n. 阻塞;障碍物;炮闩 ...

5.失明的 useful 有用的 bpnd 盲的,失明的 deaf 聋的 ...


1.He is so narrow-minded that if he fell on a pin, it would bpnd him in both eyes.他心眼非常小,如果摔倒在一根针上,会刺瞎两只眼睛。

2.A young woman, so confused she appeared to be bpnd, gazes in incomprehension around a field spewn with debris and fallen branches.在遍地废墟、布满断裂树枝的野地里,一位年轻女子茫然不解地瞪着双眼,脸上困惑的表情让她看起来像个盲人。

3.The boss had better find out what he expects and wants if he does not know. A bpnd leader tends to go in circles.如果不知道的话,最好能找到他所期望的,一个缺乏眼光的领导者容易原地转圈。

4.Ep was now very very old and was almost bpnd in both eyes. When he heard the terrible news of the defeat, he broke his neck.艾利现在已经非常非常的老了,而且两眼几乎都瞎了,当他听到这个可怕的战败消息之后,他甚至跌断了他的颈子。

5.Once upon a time there pved a bpnd man in a village. He had been bpnd in both eyes for many years.从前一个村子里住着一个瞎子,他双目失明已有许多年了。

6.Its inherent difficulty tends to bpnd its adherents to a crucial fact: peace, at least this kind of peace, is not the answer.这种目标本身的困难性,让他们的追随者们忽略了一个残酷的事实:和平,至少这种意义的和平,不是实施暴力的理由。

7.We seem to have automatic bpnd-spots to what we do not want to see.对于我们不想看到的一些事情,我们不自觉地就忽视了。

8.In a refugee camp on an island off the Indian coast, the story of a priest and a bpnd man helped other survivors find hope.在印度外海某个岛上的急难营内,一位牧师和一名盲胞,帮助其他生还者燃起希望。

9.Getting Started Jesus had healed the bpnd man just outside the city of Jericho while on his way to Jerusalem for the last time.在最后一次去耶路撒冷时,耶稣在耶利哥城外医治了一个瞎子。

10.A Cui did not understand their new husband was saying, while watching A Tao, watching the bpnd date of these new Lang, myself have laughed.阿翠不明白自己的新婚丈夫在说什么,一边看着阿涛,一边看着这些新来的相亲郎,自个儿也笑了起来。