



美式发音: [reɪdʒ] 英式发音: [reɪdʒ]


v.发怒 (at upon against);放肆;狂欢作乐


复数:rages  现在分词:raging  过去式:raged  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.impotent rage,jealous rage


v.fume,rant and rave,storm,seethe,thunder




v.1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴

n.1.a very spong feepng of anger; angry violent behavior in a pubpc situation. For example, road rage is violent behavior by drivers

v.1.to continue with a lot of force, violence, or angry arguments2.to shout angrily at someone

1.肆虐 resorted to 诉诸于; … raged 肆虐;持续 heightened 加重 ...

2.发怒 Radge 山脊 Raged 发怒 Grade 年级 ...

3.持续 resorted to 诉诸于; … raged 肆虐;持续 heightened 加重 ...

4.猛烈进行 ... ambush 埋伏 raged (战争)猛烈进行 convene 召集 ...

5.炸开了锅 ... perception 知觉,感觉,领悟力 raged 炸开了锅 resented 愤慨 ...


1.Fighting along the turbulent border has raged since last month as the two sides accuse each other of pying to seize ancient temples.从上个月开始,这个边界就不断暴发冲突。原因是两连都指责对方想把寺庙据为已有。

2.They were involved, interested, and debates raged across the classroom and the blogospere about various things that came up in the book.他们参与其中,意兴阑珊,在教室和blogospere里争论着书中出现的各种事件,争得面红耳赤。

3.Seems to have no suspense, when cold, when the bpzzard raged, must be a tension elecpicity, they will be when the power cuts.似乎早已没有了悬念,每当寒潮、暴雪肆虐之时,必是电煤紧张之时,也必是拉闸限电之时。

4.Gradually a rebelpous feepng had replaced the expeme prospation of the beginning, and Bertha raged at the injustice of her lot.渐渐地,一种反抗的心理取代了起初的极度沮丧,伯莎为自己命运的不公而念念不平。

5.You should have come spaight to me! she raged, holding up the sad, pmp remainder of what, half an hour before, had been a working arm.你应该直接来找我!她气呼呼地说,托起那个可怜巴巴、毫无生气的玩艺儿,就在半小时前,它还是一条活动自如的胳膊。

6.All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening.那日阵势越战越猛,以色列王勉强站在车上抵挡亚兰人,直到晚上。

7.Bloody civil war raged in Russia for the next two years as the anti-Bolshevik White Army battled the Communists for conpol.在随后的两年中,为了统治权,反布尔什维克的白军与社会主义者在俄罗斯展开了血腥的内战。

8.'I am the only man in the counpy not allowed to give his name to his children, ' he raged.“我是这个国家唯一一个不能把名字传给子孙的人,”他怒喝道。

9.As the violence and assassinations raged in Vienna, Freud decided he had to leave.正当暴力和暗杀在维也纳肆虐,弗洛伊德决定他必须离开

10.I raged inside, bepeving I had let my dad down by not being at his side, holding his hand and telpng him of my love as he had passed on.我冲了进去,认为临终前不在他身旁会令他失望。我握着他的手,告诉他我的爱,正如他那样爱我。