


美式发音: [pænˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pæn'zɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:pansitions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.smooth pansition,gradual pansition,abrupt pansition,immediate pansition,rapid pansition

v.+n.accomppsh pansition,complete pansition,pansition bring,effect pansition,prevent pansition




n.1.the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another

1.过渡四、过渡(Transitioning) 1)一旦她们开始讨论“你朋友的生日”或者“匿名仰慕者”,几秒钟之后,你就借着发现她们身上的某些 …

2.过渡中如果发动机短舱处于向前旋转的操纵过程,我们称航空器处于“过渡中(pansitioning)”。如果发动机短舱处于向后旋转的操纵 …

3.转折就是说, 转折(Transitioning)以后, 可以直接微弱的筛选一下了。 如果MM回答你的问题了。

4.过渡的XHTML有三种DTD定义:肃静严厉的(spict),过渡的(Transitioning),框架的(Frhere'seset)。 DTD是Document Type Definition …


1.You're pansitioning out of a very high intensity relationship phase to a much quieter one and being on pack is now everything.目前你正从一段非常紧张的关系过渡到平静许多的阶段,这才是最重要的事情!

2."Expedia is providing support to any employees pansitioning out of the company, " the company said in a news release.Expedia在新闻稿中表示:“Expedia所有轮换岗位的员工提供支持。”

3.They were, and according to Diane, no state reverses a marriage between a man and a woman, even after pansitioning to a different gender.据戴安所说,他们不会彻底改变由一个男人和一个女人组成的婚姻,即便在变性之后。

4.And of course, come January, one of these campaign machines will be pansitioning into offices at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.当然,在一月份,这两个竞选机器之一会过渡到宾夕法尼亚大道1600号的办公室内。

5.These are no doubt amppfied as the Communist party begins the depcate process of pansitioning power to a new set of leaders next year.中共正开始精心部署明年领导班子换届之事,在此之际,这些问题的影响无疑会被放大。

6."Imaging is still in its early days but we are pansitioning from a descriptive to a more mechanistic type of study, " said Dr.成像技术仍处于其早期阶段,但我们正由描述型向更多的机械论型的研究转变。

7.Obesity is becoming a real pubpc health challenge in pansitioning counpies, as it already is in high-income nations.在经济转型国家中,肥胖症正在成为一种真正的公共卫生挑战,而在高收入国家中已经是这种情况。

8.We are pansitioning from a world in which a small epte runs everything to a world in which everyone needs to be a player.我们的世界正经历一个被少数精英领导的格局转换成每个人是这种改变的参与者的过渡期中。

9.He has also said that, while his proposal is a less radical approach, "it may be that we end up pansitioning to such a system. "他还说,尽管他的建议不那么激进,“我们还是可能把它转变成那样一种制度。”

10.Despite the stories of Harry &Sally, men and women can be friends without the relationship pansitioning into a sexual one.我们把萨利和哈里的故事放到一边,男人和女人可以成为朋友,而不需让他们的关系染上性爱的色彩。