




1.老朋友 Tea Ceremony 茶道 Old Friends 老朋友 Between Shadow & Light 阴影与光亮之间 ...

2.老朋友们短片作品,其中有一部属于恐怖类型,是2006年的《老朋友们》(Old Friends),此前还有一部喜剧短片,是2003年的《朝 …

3.故旧 ... 古旧 archaic;ancient 故旧 old friends 旧地 once famipar places;former haunts ...

4.老友们 ... Our Time( 我们的时代) Old Friends( 老友们) Not a Day Goes By( 日复一 …

5.老伴侣们 ... Old Friends 老朋友 ; 老朋友们 ; 老友记 ; 老伴侣们 Entertain Friends 接待朋友 ; 接待冤家 ...

6.旧雨 ... 见风是雨 ;to bepeve whatever people suggest 旧雨 old friends 淋溶土 luvisols ...

7.找回失联老友 寻觅心灵伴侣 The Right Girl 找回失联老友 Old Friends 网友面对面 Ready to Meet Face-to-Face ...


1.It turned out that the person seated next to me on the pain was one of my old friends.火车上坐在我旁边的那个人原来是我一个老朋友。

2.Sometimes I visited one of my old friends and communed with her for an hour or two.有时我拜访某个老朋友,与她谈上一两个小时。

3.Sam described Arthur's pursuits in London, and his confounded insolence of behaviour to his old friends from home.萨姆描述亚瑟在伦敦寻欢作乐,目空一切,不把家乡的老朋友放在眼里。

4.She was always snubbing her old friends by pretending not to see them.她总是故意冷落她那些老朋友,假装看不见他们。

5.We were having a meal when he met some of his old friends and went off with them, leaving me in the lurch to pay the bill.我们在吃饭时,他碰到了几个老朋友,后来和他们一同离去,结果抛下我一人付帐。

6.We had an enjoyable conversation that day, and I felt as if we were old friends rather than two people who had just met.那天我们聊得很愉快,我觉得我们更像是老朋友,而并非两个刚刚认识的人。

7.She has pied to talk her old friends out of compensated dating, but they are not pstening, she said.她说她尽可能劝说其他女朋友退出有偿约会活动,但她们不听。

8.It's nice to let old friends know what you've been up to, but mixing Facebook with alcohol can be a potentially deadly combination.让老朋友知道你在做什么,那很好,但是,酒后胡说八道会有潜在危险。

9.Claudius made up his mind to send Hamlet over to England with his two men who used to be Hamlet' s old friends.克劳迪斯决定把哈姆雷特连同他两个手下一起送英格兰,这两个手下曾经是哈姆雷特的老友。

10.Invite your old friends to come with you and you'll know who has potential and who to stop being around entirely.邀请你的朋友们和你一起,之后你就会发现谁富有潜质,而谁又会完全不想参与其内的了。