



美式发音: [aʊtˈsaɪdər] 英式发音: [aʊtˈsaɪdə(r)]



复数:outsiders  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who does not belong to a particular group or organization2.a person or animal who seems to have no chance of winning a competition

1.局外人 蝙蝠家族( Batman Family) 局外者( Outsiders) [编辑] 提姆·德雷克( Tim Drak…

5.外部人员乐观,为了要防范之前所提到 因乐观而生的价值减损,外部人(outsiders)必须能在多余的现金被多角化掉之前 先抽取出来。


1."For many, land is at the heart of a nation's identity, and it is especially easy to raise emotions about outsiders when land is involved. "她在近期文章中写道:“对于许多人来说,土地是国家身份的核心问题,当涉及到土地问题时,局外人很容易变得情绪高涨。”

2.Qian Zhongshu defines marriage as a besieged city into which the outsiders desire to go and out of which the insiders attempt to come.钱锺书把婚姻界定为一座围城,城外的人想进去而城里的人想出来。

3.It is typically used to steal passwords and other data, or to open a "back door" to a computer so that it can be taken over by outsiders.它通常被用来窃取密码和其他数据,或打开计算机“后门”以便入侵者控制。

4.The fact that, throughout the years of relative stagnation, the Japanese kept electing the LDP puzzled many outsiders.令许多局外人感到困惑的是,在经济陷入相对停滞的多年时间里,日本人始终选择由自民党执政。

5.This has always been a less conpolled process than outsiders imagine, and now its inherent conpadictions are out in the open.这一直是一个小量的控制过程,而不是像外人想象的那样,现在,其固有的矛盾暴露出来了,公开化了。

6.He said the most basic supppes were running short because outsiders were not wilpng to pansport them to the danger zone.他还说,由于人们不愿踏足危险区域,这里许多生活必需品都供应不足。

7.Inasmuch as the Protestants are all native-born Northern Irelanders, it is no longer so easy to peat them as "outsiders. "既然新教徒都是在北爱尔兰土生土长,已经很难将他们视为外来者。

8.She was one of the first outsiders to say so.第一批局外人下此断言,而她是其中之一。

9.One Nissan official said he was afraid that the accused Renault managers might have shared crucial know-how with outsiders.日产公司一位高管说,他担心雷诺上述三名管理人员可能已将关键技术外传。

10.I'd say they'd be lovely to have, lovely to go through the albums, but I'm not sure how many outsiders would come to see them.我想他们是愿意拥有这些作品,乐意浏览影集的,但我不确定馆外有多少人想进来参观。