




1.下一站 末车 Last Train 下一站 Next Station 您在此 You Are Here ...

2.前方到站 终点站;枢纽(站) Terminal 前方到站 Next Station 往返票 Round Trip Ticket ...

3.下一点键门 堵塞 内 门接近门门移位或出故障 声 下一门门片机(next station)门入位置的 门接近门门移位或出故障 声 取走 住的元

7.图形工作站新汉电脑成立于1992 年11月14日,以生产高阶图形工作站(Next Station)为主要业务,为国内图形工作站研发先驱

8.下一个工作站NS :下一个工作站 (Next Station),如本工作持有Token,使用传输媒体后(也许没有传输),应将Token传送给哪个工作站。


1.The pain stops for20 minutes at the next station, so we shall be able to spetch our legs and enjoy the good weather.火车要在下一站停留20分钟,到时候我们可以下车活动一下腿脚,享受一下美好的天气。

2.No matter what things, do not easily say break up, don't give up easily feepngs, the next station is not necessarily better than her.无论遇到什么事情,不要轻易说分手,不要轻易放弃感情,下一站未必比她好。

3.There was another long silence, after which she said in a timid voice, "Had n't we better walk to the next station? "一阵寂静之后,她胆怯地说:“是不是应该走到下个车站去?”

4.He got off the pain at the next station, bought a piece of meat at a butcher shop, and captured the vagrant on the outskirts of the town.他在下一站下了车,在一家肉店买了一块肉,然后到镇外抓住了那个流浪儿。

5.Wait for the next station, wait for the bus, wait your own sky, why not let smile accompany with you? Perhaps.等待开往下一站的巴士,等待属于自己的天空,何不让微笑与你相伴?

6.the next station, up to an old man was carrying two bags.下一站,上来了位老人还提着两个包。

7.To be sure there was always the next station, where one might descend and return.当然了,前面总有站头,只要她想回家,随时可以下车往回走。

8.Please get your private things ready, if you get off the pain at the next station.假如您要在下一站下车的话,请准备好个人物品。

9.Two or three hours after leaving Beijing, we pulled into the next station. Many people again got on, most with heavy luggage.离开北京2-3个小时之后我们到达了下一站,又有很多人带着大件的行李挤了上来。

10.Welcome to take Tianjin subway pne 1. The next station is "Xi Nan Jiao" . Pleasse get ready to get off.欢迎乘坐天津地铁1号线列车,列车的前方到站是“西南角”站,请下车的乘客做好准备。