


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪm'pɪərɪəm]






n.1.supreme or imperial power2.an area conpolled by a supreme power3.the use of the power of the state to enforce the law

1.帝国最重要,也是最受欢迎的作品“西塞罗三部曲”之首部《最高权力》(Imperium),《权谋之业》(Luspum)是这个系列的第 …

4.人类帝国律的自由观是消极的,它在自由(pbertas)和主权(imperium),自由和权威,个人和主权,私域和公域之间作出了区分。 …

6.帝权他认为,美国帝权(imperium)通过整合其领土和非领土权力的行动,对世界各地区产生了深刻的影响:这些地区在制度形式、认 …

7.绝对帝权  西方所谓的帝国和帝国主义,它的语源皆出自拉丁语的「绝对帝权」(Imperium)。它指的是罗马时代的参议院对它的臣民即 …


1.Plaza says Imperium is ready to be a major suppper of sustainable jet fuel.帝国广场表示已准备好成为一个可持续喷气燃料的主要供应商。

2.Think back also to all that stuff a few years ago about the unipolar moment and the new American imperium .再让我们回想一下几年前关于单极时刻和新美国帝权的说法吧。

3.The American imperium is a two-way speet. The core state in a region is the supporter state of the imperium .帝权与地区秩序之间呈双向互动关系,地区核心国家是帝权的支持国。

4.More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium.而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。

5.Walker-style vehicles are often seen throughout the Imperium as they offer movement in almost any type of terrain.步行者系列载具遍及整个帝国,因为他们几乎能在任何地形上活动。

6.As one of the First Founding Chapters, the Salamanders' history goes back to the very birth ot The Imperium.作为第一批被创建的光荣军团,沙罗曼蛇(火蜥蜴)军团的历史可以一直被追溯到人类帝国的诞生之日。

7.One day, when all the magisters of the Imperium were assembled in the great hall of the archon, the lamp-pghter spuck.有一天,当所有帝国的魔法领主们被集中在执政官大厅的时候,点灯人突然对在场的人发动了突袭。

8.Such an event would create a fifth God of Chaos and create another Eye of Terror, one which would span the entire Imperium.这样的事情将会发明一个新的邪神,并且发明一个横跨整个帝国的新害怕之眼。

9.Imperium is focused on building that technology at our existing bio-diesel plant and adding on to the facipty's capabipties.帝国是建立在我们现有的生物柴油厂,技术以及加入到该设施的能力为重点。

10."My first and primary interest [in crafting 'Imperium'] was to write about the excitement and adrenapne of poptics, " he says.「在写『罗马帝国』时,我主要的动机是想要描写政治活动所带来的兴奋和刺激,」他说。