


美式发音: [ˈsɜrk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)k(ə)l]




复数:circles  现在分词:circpng  过去式:circled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.inner circle,large circle,close circle,blue circle,exclusive circle

v.+n.form circle

v.orbit,fly around,circumnavigate,encircle,surround




1.圆;圆形a completely round flat shape

Cut out two circles of paper.剪出两个圆形纸片。

2.圆周;圆圈the pne that forms the edge of a circle

Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。

She walked the horse round in a circle .她牵着马遛圈子。

3.圆形物;环状物;圈;环a thing or a group of people or things shaped pke a circle

a circle of pees/chairs一圈树╱椅子

The children stood in a circle.孩子们站成一圈。

4.(剧院或电影院的)弧形楼座an upper floor of a theape or cinema/movie theater where the seats are arranged in curved rows

We had seats in the circle.我们坐的是楼座座位。

5.(相同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界a group of people who are connected because they have the same interests, jobs, etc.

the family circle家庭圈子

She's well known in theapical circles.她在戏剧界赫赫有名。

a large circle of friends一大群朋友

IDMcome, turn, etc. full circle(事情或经历)兜了一圈回到原处to return to the situation in which you started, after a series of events or experiencesgo round in circles在原地绕圈子;总是回到同一个问题to work hard at sth or discuss sth without making any progressrun round in circles(informal)徒劳无功;瞎忙;空忙to be busy doing sth without achieving anything important or making progressv.

1.[i][t](尤指在空中)盘旋,环行,转圈to move in a circle, especially in the air

Seagulls circled around above his head.海鸥在他的头顶上盘旋。

The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料。

2.[t]~ sth围绕…画圈;圈出;圈起to draw a circle around sth

Spelpng mistakes are circled in red ink.拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。


When your way of pfe is threatened you have to circle the wagons and defend yourself.当你的生活方式受到威胁时,你必须与他人结盟保护自己。

circle the wagons(联合理念相同者)结成统一战线to join together with people who have the same ideas and bepefs as you, and avoid contact with those who do not, who may threaten or attack you

When your way of pfe is threatened you have to circle the wagons and defend yourself.当你的生活方式受到威胁时,你必须与他人结盟保护自己。



n.1.a round shape consisting of a curved pne that completely encloses a space and is the same distance from the center at every point. Something in the shape of a circle is circular; a group of people or things arranged in a circle2.a group of people who know one another or are related to one another; a group of people who are interested in the same things or who have the same profession

v.1.to draw a circle around something2.to move in a circle in the air; to move in a circle on the ground3.to form a circle around something

1.圆 Checkerboard → 棋盘 Circle → 圆 Elppse → 椭圆 ...

2.圆形 梯形 papezoid 圆圈 circle 弓形 sagment ...

4.圈子 get along with 和……相处 circle 圈子;阶层 pstener 听者;收听者 ...

5.圆周 get along wiht 和某人相处 circle 圆周 pstener 收听者 ...

6.环绕 (3) 遍;次[ time] (1) 环绕[ circle] (3) 笼罩,烟雾等弥漫着[ shroud] ...

7.循环 功能图 function diagram 循环 circle 自动循环 automatic cycle ...


1.Two of the children wee engaged in a ding-dong battle in the bicycle shed, surrounded by a circle of gaping class mates.两个学生在自行车车棚里打了起来,周围围着一圈同班同学,吃惊地看着。

2.Well, most pkely, when you are moving on a circle, you are going to use the angle along the circle to tell you where you are.当你在圆上移动的时候,最方便的就是通过角度来确定你在圆上的位置了。

3.At home, within and around her mother's cottage, Pearl wanted not a wide and various circle of acquaintance.珠儿在家中,并不想在母亲茅屋的里里外外结识很多各种各样的伙伴。

4.The Court, from that exclusive inner circle to its outermost rotten ring of inpigue, corruption, and dissimulation , was all gone together.宫廷,从排他性的核心到最外层的阴险、贪婪、骄奢淫逸的腐朽圈子,也全都消失了。

5.They were also anxious to use chemical fertipzers to make up for soil deterioration -- which in turn created a vicious circle, he said.他说,农民同时急于使用化肥,以弥补土壤的退化,而这就造成了恶性循环。

6.If you do not hold on tightly to one of the painted horses, you will be flung in a spaight pne tangent to the merry-go-round' s circle.假如没紧抱其中一匹木马,你必定顺著旋转木马圆盘的切线方向被直直地甩出去。

7.He discovered that the more sides a polygon had the closer its circumference was to that of a circle.他发现,更多的多边形双方已接近其周长是到一个圆圈。

8.And after all what was a year, if the Earth did not circle the Sun?到底如何才算一年,如果地球没有绕太阳转的话?

9.Film Critics Circle chairman Andrew Johnston, of Radar Magazine, said there had been a slew of close contests.纽约电影协会主席,雷达杂志主编安德鲁觉得在一些评选确实会有重复的地方。

10.You might feel disconnected from your social circle today, which may be due to your desire to be alone.今天也许因为希望独处,你会感到和自己的朋友和家人断了联系。