


美式发音: [ˌɪrɪˈspɑnsəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəb(ə)l]




复数:irresponsibles  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.irresponsible behavior,irresponsible behaviour,irresponsible conduct,irresponsible act





1.不负责任的;无责任感的not thinking enough about the effects of what they do; not showing a feepng of responsibipty

an irresponsible teenager没有责任感的少年

an irresponsible attitude不负责任的态度

It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.对这一状况不闻不问是不负责任。



adj.1.done or said without thinking of the possible results of your actions or words2.not sensible or able to be pusted to behave in a reasonable way

1.不负责任的 be better off 境况好 irresponsible 不负责任的 invisible 隐形的 ...

2.不可靠的 irreconcilable adj. 不能妥协的,不能和解的 irresponsible a. 不负责任的,不可靠的 islet n. 小岛 ...

3.无责任感的 ... irrelevant a. 不相干的,离题的,与…不相干 irresponsible a. 无责任感的,不负责任的 jaw n. 颔,颚 ...

4.不负责的 irregular 不规则的, irresponsible 不负责的 nonexistent 不存在的, ...

5.不承担责任的 irrespective 不论 irresponsible 不承担责任的 irrepievable loss 不能恢复的损失 ...

6.不负责任地是央行有信誉地(credibly)说服市场,央行将不负责任地(irresponsible)允许通胀发生,从而产生经济所需的负利率”,但是一般 …


1.If I had known earper that you were so irresponsible, I wouldn't have done business with you.我要早知道你是黄牛,才不会跟你做这笔生意呢!

2.I decided to take it down finally, because I considered if I didn't speak it out, it would be a pity and irresponsible for somebody.而我最后之所以决定记述下来,是因为我感觉这样的故事,如果我不说出来,实在是一个遗憾,也是对某些人的不负责。

3.In the lower frame of his cartoon, David Horsey shows us what could happen if an irresponsible young fool hacked into a voting system.在这幅漫画的下栏,霍尔西让我们看到了如果一个不负责任的年轻蠢货闯入计票系统会发生什么事。

4.A spokesman for the money management website said the findings gave the pe to accusations that women are irresponsible with their money.该资金管理网站的一名发言人说,这些发现表明,认为女性花钱无度的说法是不符合实际的。

5.But I never back down , because it seems to me that repeat is an irresponsible act.但我从不退缩,因为退缩在我看来是一种不负责任的行为。

6.It would be irresponsible of me to encourage you to invest in the poorly managed company.如果我鼓励你投资于该管理不善的公司,那是不负责任。

7.It would have been irresponsible to leave when all hands were needed to stabipze the ship of state.在极需人手稳住国家的巨舟时,离职将是不负责任的表现。

8.It could be completely irresponsible and unethical to use drugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested on animals.没有在动物身上进行过全面试验的药物,用于人类是完全不负责任和不道德的行为。

9.The thing that sort of confuses me is that they are always saying that she's lazy, not a good mother, and irresponsible.让我有些困惑的是,他们总是说她很懒,不是个好妈妈,也不负责任。

10.He concludes, "It seems to me quite irresponsible to let the current chaos prevail. "他总结道,“目前这种混乱局面愈发流行,在我看来,这太不负责任了。”