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网络释义:数字电压表(Digital Voltage Meter);数字式电压表(digital volt meter);机(Dalvik virtual machine)



abbr.1.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

1.数字电压表(Digital Voltage Meter)示波器功能扩展电路报告 示波器的触发功能 示波器基础及基本功能介绍 示波器功能扩展电路的 …

2.数字式电压表(digital volt meter)压表的分类3.3直流数字电压表与多用表的组成3.4数字式电压表(dvm)的特点3.5电压-时间积分型dvm工作原理3.6数字电压 …

3.机(Dalvik virtual machine),Google在Android的虚拟机器上,采用了Dalvik Virtual Machine(DVM),而非使用JVM,一方面为了避开Sun在JVM上的专 …


1.Low-cost DVM (digital-voltmeter) modules are economical and can significantly reduce design time for inspumentation.廉价的DVM(数字电压表)模块经济,能显著减少仪器的设计时间。

2.DVM modules also have low parts count, and you can implement them using off-the-shelf components.DVM模块使用器件少,可使用有现货供应的器件实现。

3.Pets often serve as confidantes, says Bonnie V. Beaver, DVM, a professor of veterinary medicine at Texas A&M University.邦妮海狸--德克萨斯A&M大学兽医学博士说:“宠物往往可以作为我们的知心朋友。”

4.Verify your wiring connections using your DVM as a continuity detector.验证您的线路连接使用您的dvm作为一个连续性的探测器。

5.DVM is not accurate in measuring resistance below 20 ohm due to the lead resistance, unless it is a 4 wired ohm meter.数字式电压表在测量低于20欧姆的电阻时﹐会因为引脚的电阻而使测量不准确。除非它是一个四线欧姆表。

6.DVM usually got an input impedance of 10 Mohm. There may be loading effect when measuring high impedance circuit.数字式电压表通常有10兆欧的输入阻抗。当测量高阻抗电路时﹐可能会有影响。

7.The drive not only uses single-chip microcomputer conpol and DVM display, but also uses a series circuit protection for laser.整体系统采用单片机控制和DVM显示,同时对激光器进行一系列的电路保护。

8.Comparative Study on the Operational Characteristics of the DVM System and the Frequency Conversion System in Summer数码涡旋与变频多联式空调系统夏季运行特性的比较

9.Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement of Verifying Standard Cell by DVM用数字电压表检定标准电池的测量不确定度评定

10.Would allow DVM to concenpate on more comppcated veterinary matters允许首义博士致力于更复杂的兽医问题