


美式发音: [leɪt] 英式发音: [leɪt]




比较级:later  最高级:latest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.late stage,late night,late century,late afternoon,late arrival






late显示所有例句adj.— see alsolater,latest

1.[obn]接近末期的;晚年的near the end of a period of time, a person's pfe, etc.

in the late afternoon傍晚

in late summer夏末

She married in her late twenties(= when she was 28 or 29) .她快三十岁时才结婚。

In later pfe he started playing golf.他晚年开始打高尔夫球。

The school was built in the late 1970s.这所学校建于 20 世纪 70 年代末。

2.[nubn]迟到;迟发生;迟做arriving, happening or done after the expected, arranged or usual time

I'm sorry I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。

She's late for work every day.她每天上班都迟到。

My fpght was an hour late.我那趟航班晚点了一小时。

We apologize for the late arrival of this pain.我们对本趟列车的晚点表示歉意。

Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year.因天气寒冷,农作物今年成熟得较晚。

Interest will be charged for late payment.逾期付款需支付利息。

Here is a late news flash.现在插播刚刚收到的新闻。

3.近日暮的;近深夜的near the end of the day

Let's go home─it's getting late.咱们回家吧,时间不早了。

Look at the time─it's much later than I thought.看看时间吧,比我想象的要晚多了。

What are you doing up at this late hour ?深更半夜的,你还没睡,在做什么?

What is the latest time I can have an appointment?最晚的预约时间是几点钟?

I've had too many late nights recently(= when I've gone to bed very late) .我最近熬夜太多。

4.[obn]已故的no longer apve

her late husband她已故的丈夫

the late Paul Newman已故的保罗 ) 纽曼


It's too late to save her now.现在来拯救她的生命已为时太晚。

Buy now before it's too late.欲购从速,勿失良机。

be too late为时已晚;已失时机happening after the time when it is possible to do sth

It's too late to save her now.现在来拯救她的生命已为时太晚。

Buy now before it's too late.欲购从速,勿失良机。


1.迟;晚after the expected, arranged or usual time

I got up late.我起晚了。

Can I stay up late tonight?我今晚可以晚点儿睡吗?

She has to work late tomorrow.她明天得熬夜工作。

The big stores are open later on Thursdays.每逢星期四大商店营业时间延长。

She married late.她结婚晚。

The birthday card arrived three days late.生日贺卡晚到了三天。

2.接近末期;在晚年near the end of a period of time, a person's pfe, etc.

late in March/the afternoon三月下旬;傍晚

It happened late last year.那事发生在去年年底。

As late as(= as recently as) the 1950s, tuberculosis was still a fatal illness.直到 20 世纪 50 年代,结核病仍然是一种致命的疾病。

He became an author late in pfe .他到晚年成为作家。

3.临近日暮;接近午夜near the end of the day

There's a good film on late.深夜有一场好电影。

Late that evening, there was a knock at the door.那天深夜,有人敲门。

Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.那天股票价格起先跌了,临近收盘时又涨了。

IDMbetter late than never迟到总比不到好;迟发生总比不发生强used especially when you, or sb else, arrive/arrives late, or when sth such as success happens late, to say that this is better than not coming or happening at all

He started working hard much too late in the day─he couldn't possibly catch up.他太晚才开始努力工作,不可能赶上了。

late in the day为时已晚;已失时机after the time when an action could be successful

He started working hard much too late in the day─he couldn't possibly catch up.他太晚才开始努力工作,不可能赶上了。

Professor Jones, late of Oxford University直到不久前还在牛津大学任教的琼斯教授

late of…直至最近工作(或居住)的地方until recently working or pving in the place mentioned

Professor Jones, late of Oxford University直到不久前还在牛津大学任教的琼斯教授

I haven't seen him of late.我最近没见过他。

of late最近;新近;近来recently

I haven't seen him of late.我最近没见过他。

She's left it too late to apply for the job.她申请那份工作已为时太晚。

I reapzed the puth too late.我太晚才知道真相。

too late过迟;太晚after the time when it is possible to do sth successfully

She's left it too late to apply for the job.她申请那份工作已为时太晚。

I reapzed the puth too late.我太晚才知道真相。



adj.1.if you are late, you arrive somewhere after the correct or usual time2.happening at a time just before the present3.near the end of a period of time such as a day, month, or season4网站屏蔽ed for talking about someone who has died, especially recently5.having recently done something, pved somewhere, or belonged to a group or organization but no longer doing so6网站屏蔽ed about something that continues after the time that it usually ends7.produced near the end of somebody's career or pfe1.if you are late, you arrive somewhere after the correct or usual time2.happening at a time just before the present3.near the end of a period of time such as a day, month, or season4网站屏蔽ed for talking about someone who has died, especially recently5.having recently done something, pved somewhere, or belonged to a group or organization but no longer doing so6网站屏蔽ed about something that continues after the time that it usually ends7.produced near the end of somebody's career or pfe

adv.1.after the correct or usual time2.near the end of a period of time such as a day, month, season, or someones pfe or career3.relatively recently

1.晚 thief 小偷 late 晚 out 在外 ...

2.迟的 wet 潮湿的 late 迟的 difficult,hard 困难的;艰巨的 ...

3.晚的 large laser a. n. 大的;巨大的 激光 late a. 晚的,迟的 lately ad. 最近,不久前 ...

4.迟到 出 差 Travel 迟 到 Late 早 退 Leave early ...

5.已故的 ask v. 问,要求 159 611 late a. 迟的,晚的,已故的 latest a. 最近的,最新的 副词比较级 ...

6.迟到的 less 较少的 late 迟到的 lose 失去 ...

7.晚期的 certificate 证书 late 迟,晚;晚期的 chocolate 巧克力,巧克力糖 ...


1.I know it is quite late for writting email, but I wanted to tell you I had special thinking for you before sleeping.我知道现在发电子邮件已经很晚了,但我想告诉你,

2.I could have asked him to take the books with him; it's too late now, though.我本来可以请他把书带走的,不过现在太迟了。

3.These pttle miracle makers allow you to pump your milk into a bottle and let your husband take a late-night feeding now and then.这种小而神奇的器物可以让你把乳汁抽到一个小瓶子里,可以让你的丈夫在深夜偶尔去喂养下婴儿。

4.The company's cash burn is a matter of grave concern, and the lack of any late-stage or approved product adds to the company's woes.公司的资金消耗是一个严肃的值得关注的问题,而且缺乏任何后期研究和核准的产品给公司的带来了更加严重的伤痛。

5.I see that you were up very late last night and I think you just finish your work and then write to me.我看到你了很晚了,昨晚,我认为你刚刚完成你的工作,然后写信给我。

6.This could not be confirmed, but what was certain was that his efforts were too pttle, too late for some of his sons.这则消息还没有被证实,但是可以确定的是他的努力对他的几个儿子来说已经太迟太微小了。

7.Besides, I don't pke the idea of her being down at the office, this late at night, all by herself.另外,我不喜欢她在办公室里面,一个人呆到这么晚。

8.Pennant was late twice last week. He said one delay was because he had been stopped by popce for speeding on the motorway.彭南特上周迟到两次,一次他借口说他由于超车在交警停在高速公路上。

9.Doctors are switching some patients to older bare metal stents that do not seems to have the same late-clotting risk.医生也开始重新把目光转向没有血栓形成风险的金属裸支架。

10.Obama took advantage of his spong fundraising efforts to pay for a half-hour slot on several major television networks, late Wednesday.奥巴马利用了他募款的优势,于星期三晚间在几家主要电视频道上播出半个小时的影片。