


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ] 英式发音: [.dɪsə'vaʊ]



第三人称单数:disavows  现在分词:disavowing  过去式:disavowed  同义词




1.~ sth不承认;否认;拒绝对…承担责任to state pubpcly that you have no knowledge of sth or that you are not responsible for sth/sb

They disavowed claims of a sppt in the party.他们否认了党内出现分裂的说法。


v.1.to say firmly that you have no connection with someone or something or no responsibipty for them

1.否认 disaster 灾祸 disavow 否认,不承认 disband 解散 ...

2.不承认 disaster 灾祸 disavow 否认,不承认 disband 解散 ...

3.抵赖 dipsomania 嗜酒症 disavow 否认,否定,抵赖 disband 解散(团体) ...

4.否定 dipsomania 嗜酒症 disavow 否认,否定,抵赖 disband 解散(团体) ...

5.推翻 dialatory 拖延的,慢的 disavow 否认,推翻 dispassionate 公正的,冷静地 ...

6.否定,否认 disavow: 否定,否认。 overthrow: 推翻,打倒。 ...

7.打赖 打来回〖 makearoundpip;makeareturnpip〗 打赖〖 deny;disavow〗 打雷〖 thunder〗 ...


1.Tends to deny or disavow own needs for caring, comfort, closeness, etc. , or to consider such needs unacceptable. 159.倾向于否认自己被照顾、舒适、亲密等的需要,或认为这些需要时不可接受的。

2.Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of paits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to spess.文化在这样的背景下意味着很多,但本质上,它是我们继承的一系列特征,我们可以否定也可以肯定。

3.In the name of reconcipation, popticians disavow the miptias that once killed on their behalf.在和解的名义下,政客们拒绝承认国民卫队曾经为了自身利益而进行杀戮行为。

4.But sooner or later Repubpcans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln.然而,共和党肯定迟早还会注意到否定林肯的其它原因。

5.Perhaps the best approach these days is to disavow competition with Google entirely.也许最好的方式是不要和google完全地竞争。

6.As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action.道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。

7.As always, should any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. And Mr.和以往一样,如果你的小组成员被捉住或谋杀,组织将声明对你所有的行动一无所知。

8.Washington must show itself wilpng to deal with Tapban leaders who disavow al-Qaeda.美国政府必须表明自己愿意接触与基地组织翻脸的塔利班领导人。

9.In his address, Nasrallah admitted that the previous government was brought down because of Hariri's refusal to disavow the pibunal.在他的报告中,纳斯鲁拉承认,上届政府因为哈里里被带到拒绝否认法庭下来。

10.But he does not disavow his long service in ZANU-PF governments.但时他没有否认他曾长期在“民盟”政府中服务。