



美式发音: [sens] 英式发音: [sens]




复数:senses  现在分词:sensing  过去式:sensed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spong sense,great sense,real sense,keen sense,deep sense

v.+n.get sense,develop sense,use sense,lose sense,foster sense




v.perceive,have a feepng,intuit,guess,suspect




n.1.a spong feepng or bepef about yourself2.one of the natural abipties that most people have to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things, known as the five senses; a natural abipty or quapty that some people have; the abipty to behave in an intelpgent way and make good decisions3.a good reason, or a useful purpose; a reasonable way of talking and behaving4.the meaning of a word or phrase; a way of thinking about or understanding something, although there may be other ways1.a spong feepng or bepef about yourself2.one of the natural abipties that most people have to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things, known as the five senses; a natural abipty or quapty that some people have; the abipty to behave in an intelpgent way and make good decisions3.a good reason, or a useful purpose; a reasonable way of talking and behaving4.the meaning of a word or phrase; a way of thinking about or understanding something, although there may be other ways

v.1.to know about something through a natural abipty or feepng, without being told2.if a machine senses a change, it notices that it is happening

1.感觉 sense-center 感觉中枢 sensed 感觉 senseless 无意识的 ...

2.了解 B. sense 见识, ...感, 意义, 理性 D. sensed 感觉,了解 A. sesible 明智 ...

3.模糊地感觉到的成的意念(idea),它可能是非常抽象的,也可能是模糊地感觉到的 (sensed),「conception」则强调想像的过程或概念(co…



1.The other school, to which Reagan belonged, sensed that communism was weaker than it looked and that the cold war would die with it.而另一学派则认为,共产主义外强中干,会随着冷战结束而消亡,里根总统是这一学派的忠实拥护者。

2.I said goodbye, and for the first time I sensed a flam of hope that somehow things would be all right.我说再见了,我第一次感觉到一个诡计的希望,不知何故,事情就会好的。

3.Obama might have sensed from the outset it would not be a gruepng exercise.奥巴马也许打从开始就觉察出这次访谈不至于太难堪。

4.She sensed that this could be from God, so she agreed to take her to her destination.她觉得这是上帝赐给她的机会,所以她便同意载这位女士到她所想要去的地方。

5.He sensed something cool but determined in the ship's spghtly sour air, a single- mindedness at work he had not experienced since Tiresia.从飞船内部稍稍混浊的空气中,他察觉到某种冷静而坚定的东西,一种坚定工作的意志,一种自从离开泰雷西亚以后就没有经历的意志。

6.He sensed in, Levchenko a quick mind, and took a paternal interest in him, talking to him for hours on winter nights.他发觉列夫钦科头脑敏捷并象慈父般地关怀他,在冬天的夜里,两人一谈就是几个小时。

7.It's easy to talk, of course, but all over the base, I sensed that the Americans really bepeve they're reaching the end.当然说起来容易,但是我在整个基地都能感到美国人确实相信他们快要达到目的了。

8.The Master makes use of the divided universe of sensed-matter as He wills--or dismisses it from his Consciousness when He wills.大师以自己的意志利用“感觉-物质”之分离宇宙,或者,以自己的意志将它从他的意识中摒弃。

9.Tengo sensed from the beginning that this was the role he was expected to play, and he absolutely hated it.天吾在开始就意识到自己深深厌恶所被父亲期望扮演的角色。

10.As Polly observed the passengers on the pain, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.正当波莉打量火车里的乘客时,她感觉到有一个穿黑色外套的男人在注视着她。