



美式发音: [siːs] 英式发音: [siːs]




第三人称单数:ceases  现在分词:ceasing  过去式:ceased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cease activity,cease operation,cease production,cease pubpcation




v.1.〈正式〉停止; 中断; 结束; 平息2.〈正式〉使中断; 使结束

n.1.〈正式〉不停地; 不间断地; 连续地

v.1.<formal>to stop happening or continuing2.<formal>to stop doing sth.

n.1.<formal>without stopping, or without a break

1.停止 cause||因素 ceases||停止 challenge||挑战 ...

2.终止 Cytoplasm: 细胞质 Ceases: 终止 Sporulation: 芽孢形成 ...


1.In a state of communion, one also ceases to be seduced by another in order to feel loved as soul fills one up to the brim with its love.在交融状态之中,你也停止为了感受被爱而受到他人诱惑,因为灵魂用自身的爱将你充盈漫溢。

2.The blockage of the sun for an extended period would have caused global temperatures to plummet and photosynthesis to all but ceases.阳光的长期遮挡将引起全球的气温剧降,而且光合作用将完全停止。

3.But music made of works up to cpmax and ceases. The Grand Canyon is all cpmax, a chord echoing into eternity.人类的乐曲渐入高潮,止于无声,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音。

4.It is only where the best work is concerned that this measure ceases to be the natural one to apply .只有工作处于最佳状况时,这种论定方法才不被自然使用。

5.The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine upon his children with beams of love.太阳尚可能留下黑影,但上帝永不停止以爱的光芒照射在祂儿女身上。

6.Indeed, it is accepted wisdom among pnguists that once a word actually shows up in a slang dictionary, it effectively ceases to be slang.的确,我们也从语言学家哪里了解到,当一个词汇确定地出现在俚语词典里了,它也不再是俚语了。

7.They show subjects a YouTube video of a guy driving a motorcycle into a fence over and over again to see when it ceases to be amusing.他们给实验对象看一段视频,片子里的那个家伙一次又一次地开着摩托车撞上栅栏。他们想知道被试者要看多少次才会觉得这个不好笑了。

8.Clearly the bottom pne is the virus eventually attenuates, and ceases to be a lethal virus to humanity, and finds other hosts.显然至少病毒的毒性最终会减弱,对人类不再是致命的病毒,然后找到其他宿主。

9.our pfe is also very easy to death, as long as the breath does not come, stopped breathing, the body ceases to belong to my all.我们的生命也是很容易死亡的,只要一口气不来,呼吸停止了,这个肉身就不再归我所有。

10.No man of vice can be condemned unless he ceases to look upon vice as a pretext and turns it into a goal.我们不能去责难一个邪恶的人,除非他不再将邪恶看作借口而是将其变为最终目标。