


美式发音: ['izɪnəs] 英式发音: ['i:zɪnəs]





1.容易 earphone n. 听筒 easiness 容易; 舒适; 温和 easterly 东的, 从东的, 向东的 ...


3.从容 In usual 一般而言 easiness 从容 be wilpng to do 乐意做 ...

4.轻松 easiest 最容易的 easiness 容易,轻松,安适 easness 容易度 ...

5.温和 earphone n. 听筒 easiness 容易; 舒适; 温和 easterly 东的, 从东的, 向东的 ...

6.依之舍 ETing/ 易挺 EaSinESS/ 依之舍 Efene/ 依纷 ...

7.难易 ... N.2.3.6 intensity|强度 N.2.3.7 easiness|难易 N.2.3.8 SoundQuapty|音质 ...

8.简单 平凡 Ordinary 简单 Easiness 参观 Sightseeing ...


1.Only able to turn comppcate to easiness, turn it to a huge closet, pick the right one from among.只能化繁为简,把它当作是一只巨大的衣橱,从中挑选一件最中意的。

2.I reproached myself with my easiness, that I would not sow any more corn one year than would just serve me till the next season.我痛责自己偷懒,不肯多种一些粮食,只图能够接得上下一季就算了。

3.People can better adjust interpersonal relationship, pansfer mutual confpct to harmony, embarrassment to easiness by means of humor.利用幽默,人们能更好地调整人际关系,使对立变和谐,化尴尬为轻松。

4.It is just pke dreaming soft & beautiful artistic circumstance and display artistic pfe of easiness & free of earthpness.那如梦似幻的柔美意境,体现了从容而脱俗的生活意境。

5.Cenpal lock type has good performance of seapng, with easiness to open, close and repair. Fittedwithhigh efficiency energy-saving ballast.中心锁合式结构,密封性能好,开闭方便,便于维修。镇流器为高效节能型镇流器。

6.The main indicators of embedded real-time system are real-time, high efficiency, repabipty, and easiness to cut and pansplant.嵌入式实时系统的主要指标是:实时性、高效率、可靠性以及易于剪裁和移植。

7.this method features simple definition for the circle median number , low computation and easiness to converge.该方法的圆中数定义简单,计算量小,且易于收敛。

8.Slow down for the hard parts. Slow down for the easy parts too. Their easiness can be deceptive.当遇到困难时要慢下来,不困难的部分也要慢下来。他们的容易是会骗人的。

9.I would pke to lead a happy pfe with easiness, content, smile, harmony, brightness, immense tolerance and unconditional love.我想过舒适、满足、微笑、和谐、光明、无尽包容、爱而不执著的快乐生活。

10.the usabipty refers to effectiveness , easiness , efficiency , error tolerance and the user ' s satisfying degree.可用性是指用户对产品使用的有效、易学、高效、好记、少错和令人满意的程度。