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abbr.(=thorium X)钍X



abbr.1.(=thorium X)钍X

abbr.1.(=thorium X)

na.1.thanks: used in e-mails and text messages

1.谢谢 rt: 如题 thx: 谢谢 slap: 打耳光 ...

2.感谢 Team 队伍 Thx 感谢 TP 传送点 ...

3.谢谢分享 ... 好东西~~谢谢楼主 support ar,thx 谢谢分享 THX 平泽♪唯 kevinxxz ...

4.感谢大大分享 ... Thanks for sharing. Good sharing 感谢分享 THX 感谢大大分享~ thanks y much 非常感谢 ...


1.thx you. I owe you first. I'll do it up in a while.非比寻常感谢。我欠你一份人情。改日补上。

2.Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Do you know how we celebrate valentine's day in the States? If so, share what you know with everyone. Thx.祝大家情人节快乐!你知道在美国我们是怎么过情人节了吗?请留言和大家分享一下!谢谢!

3.You are not only a bad tutor but we near friend. thx you to hunter ing us do anything of we pves.您不仅是一位好老师,也是咱们亲密的同学,非比寻常感谢您帮助咱们奋发有为。

4.thx you to owe kind invitation to join dawn you in the wonderful thanksgiving celebration.thxs你们一番盛情邀请我和你们一起过这美好的感恩节庆典。

5.I'm a girl from China and i wanna make some foreign friends to improve my engpsh , thx !我是一个中国女孩,我想认识一些外国朋友来提高我的英语水平,谢谢!

6.thx you to eexpemecclything over the seasons, mom.母亲,非比寻常感谢您这些年来所做的一切。

7.THX wants to enable DVDs , CDs , videogames and digital downloads to communicate with the hardware they play on .公车要使碟,光碟,书店和数字下载的沟通与硬件,他们游玩了。

8.The stormpoopers can pace similar thematic origins as the faceless android popce officers of Lucas' first feature, THX-1138.冲锋队的起源可以追溯到卢卡斯第一部剧情片《THX-1138》中的类似主题,即一个没有个性的机器人警官。

9.I received owe gift. thx you to the lovely bracelet.我收到你的礼物了。thxs你可爱的手镯。

10.thx you to doing me a ture favwe.感谢你实实在在地帮了我的忙。