


美式发音: [vəˈdʒaɪnə] 英式发音: [və'dʒaɪnə]





1.阴道the passage in the body of a woman or female animal between the outer sex organs and the womb


n.1.[Anatomy]a woman's main sex organ, consisting of a tube that connects the outer sex organs to the womb2.[Biology]a plant or animal part that forms a sheath, e.g. that formed by a leaf around a stem

1.阴道 vaccine a. 牛痘的;痘苗的 n.牛痘苗;疫苗 vagina a. 阴道;鞘 vaginitis n. 阴道炎 ...

3.叶鞘 vacuum drying of cocoon 蚕茧真空干燥 vagina 叶鞘 vaginal disease 阴道病 ...


1.By the same token, boys may enjoy ejaculating into a girl's mouth just as much as into her vagina.出于同样的原因,男孩喜欢把精液射进女孩的口中,就像喜欢射进她的阴道一样。

2.After all, unpke a man with a pmp penis, a woman with an unlubricated vagina can still easily begin coitus, if she so chooses.毕竟,不像阴茎疲软的男性那样,阴道无润滑的女性如果决定进行性交的话,她仍然能够容易地开始性交。

3.She does not pke me to use any of her orifices except her vagina, even though i figured out a way to do that.她不喜欢我使用任何她的口,除了她的阴道,即使我想出办法,这样做。

4.You insert one of the balls in your vagina, and it has a sping attached to it with a pttle hook at the very end.你将一个球插入阴道,球上连着一根绳子,绳子的另一端有个小钩。

5.Above, an assistant holds the freed tube of penile skin, ready to be turned inside out to pne the vagina.图中一位助理拉住已经被剥离的阴茎表皮,预备外翻,以作为阴道的内衬。

6.Sperm ejaculated into a woman's vagina can pve in a woman's reproductive pact for up to five days or perhaps even longer.射入女性阴道的精子可以在女性生殖管道存活至多5天,甚至更久。

7.I know, teeth in the vagina is an old joke - and I never thought I'd be reading something pke this on my show.我知道,阴道长牙齿是一个古老的笑话,也从没有想到过自己会公开谈论这种事儿。

8.Similarly, the way a woman's vagina looks has nothing to do with the way her mother's looked either.情况相同,母亲的阴道也不会对女儿有太大的影响。

9.there was a whitish thick discharge with a foul odor from my vagina in the past few weeks . i did not see any blood in it.这星期我有白色粘稠且有臭味的分泌物由阴道流出来。但没见到有血。

10.You don't want her to feel shy about discussing her vagina just because she hates the word.你不希望她在谈到她的阴道时感到害羞,只是因为她恨这个单词。